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t1_j1q00j0 wrote

The forearm thing was what I was taught, as a kid. Jam it in as far as you can, and the bite won’t have any leverage. And yeah, I’m sure a stick down the dogs throat would help your cause.

Especially for children, who aren’t necessarily packing, unlike the other total badass geniuses in the comment section here.


t1_j1td3py wrote

I was also taught this. Along with “if the dog jumps and bite you, don’t let their front paws hit the ground before getting a solid kick in to the underbelly” I was left with the vision of being tossed around like a rope toy by the arm.

Honestly useful.

PS. I really love dogs.


t1_j1q4qg0 wrote

Or just carry a mace with you.


t1_j1ravvy wrote

A mace?! Peasant, I carry an ancient katana, hand forged with 1 million hammer blows, tempered in the fires of a volcano and quenched in unicorn tears.


t1_j1sdcdj wrote

Get your weak iron out of here. Only the best European steel is suited to this wildness. The real weapon of choice is a bastard sword.


t1_j1tbdqd wrote

I realize these comments are purely for fun, and I'd love to entertain them, but in practical terms, any hard blunt object would do the job. Rebar specifically; the shorter the better.


t1_j1td7ob wrote

Let me just pull this rebar outta my pocket….. actually. NH and it’s affinity for rebar accessories for the win ;) love it


t1_j1q5vid wrote

This is pretty solid advice. Common sense in a way but easy to panick


t1_j1qa358 wrote

A few months back my dog and I were accosted by a loose pitbull dog. At first it was fine but it escalated quickly and the pitbull was showing signs he was out for blood to my dog. But we were trapped between a deck so I didn’t think letting my dog loose as a previous poster would be safe since he had no where to run to(would it have been better)? I clutched the leashed with my right hand and after it started snarling is when I started yelling and acting crazy to defend us. The dog had no interest when I offered my forearm (in lieu of it biting my dog) I tried to kick it, I threw whatever I saw around and was able to get my dog to safety because after my dog was out of the picture it ran off. It was definitely scary and I can see how if a dog was both human and dog aggressive how people die. It was seriously the longest probably 2 minutes of my life. And I was lucky it didn’t bite my arm because it would have torn it to shreds. But I was ready and preparing if it latched on to my dog what I would need to do to save my dog. Any and all means necessary.


t1_j1s6fzx wrote

There was a pitbull in my city who got hold of a four year girl and had her head in his jaws, and pierced her skull. But pit bull fans are always on the side of the dog. Always.


t1_j1si3a8 wrote

An aggressive dog is an aggressive dog, regardless of breed. Unfortunately my most recent situation it happened to be a pit variety. My dog has been attacked a few times, and the breeds varied from a golden retriever, to a pointer and some small terrier breed. My dogs best dog friend was a pitbull growing up. And my dog was actually the dominating dog in the pairing.


t1_j1unr5r wrote

The difference is that a pit bull has the physical capability to kill an adult human or child, and a dachshund or rat terrier does not. A German shepherd, Doberman pinscher, Rottweilers, and a few other dogs also belong in that category, but I don't see people religiously defending them, the way pit bull owners do.

I live in a profoundly dog friendly area, chock full of dogs. Many labs and goldens, because we are on the water. Also because people have the sense to own dogs with sweet dispositions, not killer dogs. And people here rarely abuse their dogs, something you find in impoverished communities. If a dog is even a little snappy, they put a soft muzzle on it--to protect the dog as well as the people.

Pit bulls were bred to kill bulls. In pits. They are physically capable of piercing arteries, breaking bones, and causing severe injury--and some will do so, if provoked. A vicious doxie can't do that, except maybe to a newborn baby or a kitten. Even if a Golden or a Lab was vicious, it would have to be horribly abused to be aggressive. And neither were bred to kill bulls--they are retrievers, bred to gently hold a dead duck in their mouths. That is the point.


t1_j1vpbnl wrote

Bottom line, I have lived with Pit Bulls as pets and known plenty of other people that have done the same and they have never been aggressive towards anyone. A dog, just like a human, if abused and taught to be fearful and angry will be aggressive. None of the dogs I have had have been that way. Pit Bulls get defended so much more because they are always vilified more. Are you the same kind of person to make the argument that all lives matter when statistically black lives end so much more?


t1_j1ws9xt wrote

You’re personal anecdotal experience does not discount biology and statistics.


t1_j1wi68i wrote

Bottom line, you are talking about yourself and the people and dogs you have known personally. I'm going to bet they are all nice privileged types who would never abuse their dogs or use them for fighting. Of course, bottom line, if their dog should suddenly get a bad attitude about a four year old, a FedEx guy, or a yappy poodle, their dog could easily kill or maim them. Easy.

I'm sure that you don't worry about that situation at all. Your dog is perfect. And so are the dogs of your friends. Fuck the rest of the world.


t1_j1xlr8s wrote

No, just fuck your world!


t1_j1zm6a9 wrote

You have expressed yourself perfectly. You live in your own carefully constructed world, where pit bulls are cared for by loving, patient, kindly owners.

I live in the real world, where I have seen pit bulls abused and neglected, where they have bitten and killed people, dogs, and cats. You don't want to believe that world exists. Of course.


t1_j1zsqhn wrote

Actually, all of these dogs were rescues, including one that was the "bait" dog. But good job projecting douchebag!


t1_j24nmvb wrote

Haha, you are the kind of person who values the life of a dog over the life of a child. If any of your dogs bite you or child, I have zero sympathy. I pity your neighbors, however. A douchebag is used by a woman to clean up after the mess left by a man. So I see your mentality, to use such a word.


t1_j252i7y wrote

It's so amusing to me that you think you know me so well. You're completely wrong, unsurprisingly. But ask your mom, cause she knows me better.


t1_j1sjt8d wrote

If that dog were a person and you said such a thing, I believe they refer to that as racism. I have met plenty of pit bulls that were as gentle as kittens. Dogs are not born evil, just like people are not. It is a learned behavior. Dogs most commonly act aggressive out of fear or pain. An abused dog is no different than an abused person. Both can kill.


t1_j1tep58 wrote

Oh piss off with that shit. It’s not racism to recognize that fighting breeds are dangerous


t1_j1v7lg8 wrote

One could argue that assault rifles are dangerous too. But it's not the gun itself that is dangerous. It's the mental health of the one holding that is really dangerous. So piss off yourself!


t1_j1vhu5r wrote

Guns are tools - metal, wood, and some springs - without a finger on the trigger, they are inert. Living animals are just that - living, biological creatures (albeit not sentient, not agent, and not otherwise asserting the natural rights that humans assert). The former do not have "a mind of their own", and the latter do, however limited it may be.


t1_j1tt88t wrote

It’s basic biology - pit bulls have a very high level of testosterone and the outrageous amounts of muscle and bite strength/pressure for it to be a huge problem if they attack.

For reference, I believe Jack Russell terriers are the most aggressive and highest testosterone per breed but the difference is you can pretty easily deal with one with one good kick because of how small they are. And if you do get bit, they don’t have the bite strength to cause substantial damage to adults most of the time.

Not surprisingly, in nature this is the case nearly every single instance where the species with the highest level of testosterone are the most aggressive (ex- bull sharks).

And guess what? Dogs aren’t people. Equating it to racism is a real bad argument.


t1_j1ulrkh wrote

The four year old I'm referring to was a little African American girl living in the inner city. The pit bull was being used as a guard dog for someone's house, maybe a drug house. Maybe the dog was used in fighting, which was also common there.

What's racist is when privileged white folks who own pit bulls defend the rights of the dog over the life of the little girl. They own pit bulls that have never been subject to such abuse, and there is no reason to fear that those pits ever will be abused.


t1_j1s5zmb wrote

I was hiking a trail which passed by horse farm, out in the woods. A huge rott mix comes out barking, accompanied by two back up little shits. For some reason, I did not have my MACE with me, although I had my hiking pole. I suddenly said to the dog, "Are you a big love puppy?" He suddenly stopped barking, looked astonished, as if I had guessed his secret. Then he was my best friend. The backup shit dogs were disappointed.

I never saw that dog again. I have passed that farm many times since, and while I hear barking dogs, none come running. Someone was not as kind as I was, and I don't blame them.


t1_j1sg3ow wrote

How is this relevant to new Hampshire


t1_j1secp4 wrote

Very relevant. My wife has been aggressively threatened by several different large dogs on her walks. She carries dog mace now but fortunately hasn’t had to use it although I think it’s only a matter of time. The dumbass hillbillies out here just let their dogs roam loose


t1_j1ssyzw wrote

Just curious, why not kick the dog? I feel like you could land a good blow, especially with good boots on


t1_j1t2d9t wrote

Doesn't always work, you miss and it can lock it's teeth in your calf and drag you down. Even if you hit, if it's a beefy dog, it can do the above. Remember. It's faster than you and not just a little bit.

Forearm, will hurt severely however it leaves you more mobile which is your only advantage.


t1_j1rb3q6 wrote

I just kick the shit out of the dog with every intent of seriously injuring it


t1_j1pwr9w wrote

Or just shoot it


t1_j1q6g6i wrote

I lived in Texas at one point and was walking my dog (about 40 pounds). Some kids went up to their front door and accidentally let their massive Rottweiler out the front door and he was going insane and started chasing us.

I let my dog off the leash and told him just to run. He didn't though and kind of stayed by me as the Rottweiler surrounded us barking. I was just screaming in the middle of the street at the Rottweiler and finally the hillbilly mom comes out and yells at the dog to come back. No apology at all.

The dog was so huge it definitely could of killed us both.

If I had a gun I 100% would have shot the dog. I ended up buying dog/bear spray that day and carried it from then on but gun is the better option.


t1_j1qmlp5 wrote

Yup. I would have shot it 100%. Also on dog breed. A Rottweiler I’m not fucking with. Gone. A German shepherd. Done. A golden retriever? Not known to be aggressive dogs. But yeah…if I was in that situation. Shot


t1_j1qupln wrote

This is anecdotal so it should be taken with a grain of salt- I use to work at a doggy daycare and the breed we had problems with were mostly goldens. They were big resource guarders and didn't like sharing toys. We'd have to feed a lot of them individually.


t1_j1r2tu0 wrote

Yeah I hear you. Golden scare number one in bites as well. They are gentle dogs generally speaking. I think I’ve had 3 of them. However, they are dogs…

People don’t train their dogs and you get exactly what you said my friend


t1_j1qo7mu wrote

Probably the only time I was actually scared for my life from a dog. Huge and mean I was helpless if he felt like hurting me


t1_j1qqukb wrote

Yeah man. Totally. I be scared too. Dogs can kill. It’s dumb just not having something on you. People don’t train their dogs. They let them run loose and say stupid shit like “oh he never hurt me” or some garbage. Spray, knife. Gun. Whatever. Glad nothing happen and just a moment of awakening


t1_j1pycyj wrote

yea and I mean I’d kick the thing before I throw a stick at it


t1_j1pyv0t wrote

Yeah exactly. Or grabbing it’s collar putting it down and spraying it. A stick? This is top stupid.


t1_j1qfa50 wrote

If you don’t already have an AR-15 pistol, I highly recommend. Jack of all trades type of tool and fun as hell to shoot. It’s literally a pistol that shoots 556. Perfect for home defense and quiet romantic walks along the waters. From bears to squirrels, you’re covered. Just don’t fuck with the beavers, they’ll disarm you and take your pistol ewok style.


t1_j1ryme8 wrote

Problem is if you shoot a dog in front of someone's house, the owner may likely come out and shoot you with a much more powerful weapon. Especially places in rural New Hampshire back roads, I'm not sure pulling out your gun is the best strategy for survival. Many of those people value their dog's lives much higher than human lives.


t1_j1sej05 wrote

So shoot the owner next. If someone pulls a gun on you for defending yourself that just means it’s time to defend yourself again.


t1_j1sg8ai wrote

Like I said, not sure that's the best strategy for survival. Firefight with an owner-held rifle on their home turf. But good luck!


t1_j1sgd3a wrote

I’d personally rather take my chances in a gunfight as opposed to being torn up and possibly slowly killed by a dog.


t1_j1sn7dl wrote

So let's see... "Fatal dog attacks in the United States cause the deaths of about 30 to 50 people in the US each year", vs "43% (of gun-related deaths) were murders (19,384), according to the CDC" (2020 data). So 50 vs 19,384. I think I'll take my chances with the dog.

In general I fear bullets more than I fear teeth. Also, I'm pretty sure I can kill a Rottweiler or Pit bull with my bare hands if it comes to it. But I do have the unfair advantage that I'm a badass. Will the owner still shoot me if I kill their dog with my bare hands? Probably. Oh well, so much for my argument.


t1_j1snfah wrote

That was kind of my thought tbh. You’re likely gonna have to kill the dog either way, and if the owner is unreasonable enough to attempt to murder you for shooting the dog, I feel like they’re also gonna give it a shot (no pun intended) for you even hitting their dog to get it off you.


t1_j1qr4ch wrote

An angry black bear will absorb all the 5.56 and still kill you before dying.

300 BLK is better, 350 Legend or 450 Bushmaster better yet.


t1_j1rzbq8 wrote

If y'all are actually walking around with guns in case of bear and dog attacks, fuckin LOL

(This coming from a fan of guns)


t1_j1sep1u wrote

Why else would you walk around with a gun? The point is literally to defend yourself.


t1_j1wiz1d wrote

If you're a fan you'd know that people carry for a number of reasons I know a mom who carry specifically because she was attacked by a dog while pushing a stroller


t1_j1rzagk wrote

You're not wrong, but for how rare black bear attacks are, I prefer something a bit lighter carrying.


t1_j1q4bid wrote

Can anybody recommend a good gun for use during a dog attack?

I'm thinking one handed operation with the muzzle pressed up against the body - does that disqualify striker fired pistols because the slide could easily get bound up?


t1_j1rzhh0 wrote

.45 acp. I also recommend using it on yourself if you really think you need to carry a gun around in case of dog attacks


t1_j1sercw wrote

Any revolver with an internal hammer. The Ruger LCR comes to mind.


t1_j1qmrko wrote

Any revolver. It doesn’t disqualify a striker per se. It takes a bit of force to disengage the firearm and flesh is squishy
