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Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kncsu wrote

Business 101: “businesses exist to make money”.

In other words, if a business doesn’t make money, a business fails. And without businesses, we all be unemployed.

So yeah, congratulating businesses for making money is a good thing.


owwwwwo t1_j2koaqa wrote

> In other words, if a business doesn’t make money, a business fails. And without businesses, we all be unemployed.

This is not necessarily true. There are many business structures which aim to provide maximum benefit to their employees, rather than a single owner/corporate structure.

They're called cooperatives. Not only are they more stable structures, they also report higher employee satisfaction, and are even more stable in times of economic instability. (Turns out when you don't have stock holders leaching off your business, you can have broader priorities than "make money")

But thanks for the info!


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kp5zu wrote

Spoken like someone who hasn’t a clue about business, money, revenue and profit.

Hey, we didn’t make a profit last year and we have no money in the bank, but who cares, you’re getting a bonus anyway because we value you - said no business ever.


owwwwwo t1_j2krqg3 wrote

Lol. Labor is an expense, and is paid out before any profit is realized.

Great takedown though, dude.

Clearly I have "no idea" what I'm talking about.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kvv0t wrote

Well, duh! If you aren’t profitable, you aren’t in business…takes me back to my first response to your comment…best that we all celebrate businesses making money else we’re unemployed.

But hey, as long as you don’t own/run your own business, your employees have nothing to worry about.


owwwwwo t1_j2kyt2p wrote

Most small businesses fail in their first 5 years. If they do succeed, they're often not profitable for years. Are you just used to making things up?

Employees can organize themselves. Often more efficiently. But keep on licking that boot.

Oh wait, you own a boot?