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owwwwwo t1_j6ie8w3 wrote

I don't remember comparing or contrasting Chris Sununu to anybody, let alone Charlie Baker.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_j6iev5x wrote

Nope, you suggested that Chris’s NH business interests are in some way comparable to the money he could make by going “corporate”.

That’s a big mistaken comparison you made. I brought up Charlie as someone who is an ex-Governor gone corporate making a ridiculous amount of money. I could have referenced Deval Patrick or any number of ex-politicians who’ve “gone corporate” and get paid more than the owner of a ski resort in NH.


owwwwwo t1_j6ig3hc wrote

Sure, I'm okay with whatever nuance you want to touchdown-dance on.

You seem like somebody who likes to argue pedantry, and I'm not into that sort of thing.

I see no difference between being a pro-business, Republican, Waterville Valley (a corporation) owning multi millionaire, and going "corporate". Quite literally their ideologies are one in the same.

Take care.