
PebblyJackGlasscock t1_jbnrush wrote

It was set up to catch people “without papers” taking their kids to Story Land. I think they caught one illegal and harassed about 100 citizens in front of their children.

Look, I support profiling. MA and CT drivers suck as they speed recklessly up and down the interstate. Get that tax revenue! Setting up a “border checkpoint” more than 100 miles from the border but 10 miles from a family destination and then asking anyone not white for “papers” is bullshit.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_jbiygvp wrote

Exactly. This deployment has been there for a DECADE. Pulling it now, weeks after the earthquake, would be profligate.

It’s never been a “good idea” and it shouldn’t have been going on through three Administrations, but today would be exceptionally bad timing to rectify the mistake.

One thing the Service does really well is support Humanitarian missions. Syria is a mess and is literally and figuratively unstable: it’d be a bad look for the US to leave right now.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_ja5pwdu wrote

> nuke their own money

Right. This is an imaginary issue that will be used as political theater, but has ZERO chance of happening, no matter how much McCarthy huffs and puffs.

To do so would be unprecedentedly stupid. It’d get rid of a few billionaires the hard way and the “trickle down” would wipe out a couple sectors of the economy, forcing a full-scale worldwide depression.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_j6ihxw6 wrote

Baker is the new President of the NCAA. Gosh, the number of jokes I want to make. Anyway, he’s not in on this idea.

But it IS a good idea. Needs to be broader than just recent Governors. Utah, for example, and Evan McMullin. It’s really too bad Arnold is ineligible because he’d definitely throw his hat in as a spoiler and California would be essential to any such plan. New York, too and there are any number of people with a high enough profile, the money, and the personal grudge needed to run a Quixoitic campaign. Where’s Lynn Swann at these days? That’s a good spoiler for PA.

Ok, I’m done thinking about this because I now know LeBron could run for President in CA as a Republican and… well, that’s a five minutes I’m not getting back. Suffice to say, spoiler candidates can work, and there’s lots of interesting ways to game that.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_j6iev5x wrote

Nope, you suggested that Chris’s NH business interests are in some way comparable to the money he could make by going “corporate”.

That’s a big mistaken comparison you made. I brought up Charlie as someone who is an ex-Governor gone corporate making a ridiculous amount of money. I could have referenced Deval Patrick or any number of ex-politicians who’ve “gone corporate” and get paid more than the owner of a ski resort in NH.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_ivvxokq wrote

NH’s liquor stores are state socialism. The state controls who sells the product and for how much.

The tax revenue NH is giving to neighbor states could be used to lower property taxes. But the State and Sununu don’t want free markets or lower taxes.

It’s dumb policy that contradicts everything Sununu lies about believing in.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_ivvhdmk wrote

Soon, our intersections and rotaries won’t be blighted with garbage campaign signs.

The permanent displays on private property are tasteless, but legal. The flimsy campaign sign on the public roadway? Fuck off. Either paint your barn or take down the virtue signaling bullshit. It’s the law.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_ivglk87 wrote

Hassan does not want to take your guns. She wants fewer mentally I’ll people to have guns. As a gun owner, I’d like fewer psychopaths to have guns. All gun owners should want that. Criminals want no control over who has guns.

Hassan can do nothing to decriminalize weed in NH; that would be Sununu and the legislature (and I bet you’re voting for them!) NH could be raking in tax money but chooses not to because the State wants control, like they do with liquor stores.

Don Bolduc is on the record as wanting to redistribute the money you paid into Social Security and leave you nothing.

Go ahead, vote for the socialists who want criminals to have guns. You’re an asshole who should do some research.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_is045va wrote

Satan is a good neighbor. Sure, one of his dogs leaves a steaming pile of hell on my side yard every once and awhile but shit happens, right? He also helps clear my driveway after snowstorms, has the raddest Halloween decorations, and hosts great parties with lots of famous people.

Good dude. Really embodies the “live free or die” motto.