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PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j2yrbkn wrote


NathanVfromPlus t1_j32jgk3 wrote

Someone who isn't a grown-ass adult.


PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j32y1e1 wrote

What's a grown ass adult?


NathanVfromPlus t1_j331p4o wrote

Username checks out unnervingly well.


PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j335ft0 wrote

Fantastic answer to my question


NathanVfromPlus t1_j337giu wrote

I shouldn't have to answer it. If you don't know the difference between a child and a grown-ass adult, then you probably shouldn't be allowed around children.


Clinically-Inane t1_j2ywpdb wrote

Nothing; I can’t “picture” things. I’d hear the word “child” and know it meant someone who is under 18, aka Not An Adult By Definition because words have meanings

19 and 20 year olds haven’t actually emotionally or mentally grown into adulthood though, even if they have adult lives at that point; the human brain isn’t finished developing until our mid 20s, but we still arbitrarily consider anyone over 18 an adult even though that’s not very fair

If you’re not working with a fully matured adult brain capable of adult rationale, instincts, and impulse control, you can’t reasonably be expected to actually be a fully matured adult— but that’s what we expect anyway (even though ALL of the science tells us human brains are not Adult until ~7 years after age 18)


PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j2z5e66 wrote

>Nothing; I can’t “picture” things. I’d hear the word “child” and know it meant someone who is under 18,

Oh come on now. You're clearly being disingenuous and you aren't even trying to hide it. Stop that.

If you ask anyone not trying to be obtuse for fake Internet points, they would answer probably a boy or girl under the age of 10. Preteens are between 11-13, teenagers 14-17 give or take a year. Using that basic common sense, you hear some person online screeching about police killing a child, their thought immediately goes to someone under 10. Not a 17 year old who is capable of serving in a literal combat role in the military and has the size and strength to physically harm members of our community.

You are purposely trying to mislead people by using emotionally charged language that doesn't paint an accurate picture. And you know it.


Clinically-Inane t1_j2zat4f wrote

“Emotionally charged language that doesn’t paint an accurate picture” 🤌

When someone mentions “an adult” to you, what do you picture? If it’s teenagers that’s really messed up for a lot of reasons and you should do some reflecting on that. My language there was factual and accurate; a 17yo is a child, a child is who died in this situation, and I hope you’re having a good time huffing tonight because whewww you’re on fire. What’s up next? Are we mad that teenagers get to go to Children’s Hospitals because that’s emotionally charged and inaccurate language to be using? Does it mislead and make people think of only babies with cancer?

I have a 16yo. You know what EVERYBODY around us calls them? A kid or child. Schools, doctors, family, job— literally everybody calls my 16yo a kid/child, so I’m confident my language reflects an accurate picture where children are not adults


PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j2zflh3 wrote

Wow you're really doubling down on that emotionally charged language, and reeeeeeally leaning into strawmans.

I understand it's difficult for some to understand how loaded language can be used to subconsciously imply bias or propaganda for various purposes.

Let's try this: These two statements are factually the same event but give two different views of an event:

>4 children slaughtered in streets after school by illegal assault rifles

>4 gang members dead following release from prison for rape and sex tracking, get into shootout over drug dealing territory one evening.

I know you "can't picture" things, but do these resonate differently with you?


Clinically-Inane t1_j2zmtk3 wrote

I understand plenty about how seriously language can affect perception, and you’re in the wrong place if you think I give any fucks about your insults to my intelligence. “This is all sooooooo emotionally charged, please fetch my fainting couch! I simply CAHNT GO ON, it’s TOO MUCH EMOTION and I cahnt even think straight!” 😪

~Words have meanings

~”Child” has a simple meaning

~The technical and typical usage means “not an adult” and/or “under 18”

Good night


PossiblyCreepy605 t1_j2zv4jj wrote

>I understand plenty

Judging your very angry response and refusal to answer my question, I sincerely doubt this. Good night!