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Maldonian t1_j32oy7k wrote

Thank you for the links.

The first one has it right on their front page that you and I are paying for their services through our federal taxes. Congratulations for their honesty.

The second and third, if you click around, you'll eventually stumble upon mentions of federal funding too. Not as good as being on the main page, but at least the information is there.

The fourth one, though, wow. Beautiful website that answers almost zero questions. (And no link to actually see any of their available units.) If they've managed to make housing cost less by reducing their costs (like the way Walmart and Costco do business), they should say so. If they're doing it through taxpayer subsidies, they should say so. But they say neither.

Looking through their impact report, they do mention getting money from the Amazon Housing Equity Fund. It's noble that Amazon is donating their own money to a cause they like, but sadly, they're doing it in a racially discriminatory fashion, according to their own web page.