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Relapsetv t1_j6estd4 wrote

people drive too fast on the highway.

edit: I should of said people dont follow the speed limit..


purrthem t1_j6fjru8 wrote

Agreed. It's crazy how fast people feel the need to drive on highways here.


ppaufiero t1_j6exl4u wrote

You drive to slow


Relapsetv t1_j6exwiv wrote

Cruise control set to 80mph while packs of cars pass going 90+ all day (in 65s)


quaffee t1_j6f9en6 wrote

You just have to be slower than the fastest car.


Relapsetv t1_j6f9wm0 wrote

Right, I’ve heard that deer/moose are trained to only ever jump out in front the first car.
