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Acanthaceae_Square t1_j3pbyb7 wrote

WD inpatient wonderful, ED awful experiences every time. They have repeatedly turned me away and minimized symptoms that are serious and have then resulted in health crises and being admitted, having surgery, etc. and worst of all staying sick or in pain. I love every other type of service and care offered at WD but their ER just seems to really be a different story unfortunately, imo.


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j3rqwth wrote

Sorry youve had bad experiences. I thought I was the only one whose had shit experiences with ER Drs at wdh but guess not


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j3rraue wrote

Far from it- been in the area for a decade and never had a positive ED experience yet. Urgent care hit or miss. Lol at whoever downvoted me for experiencing my own experience 🙄