Submitted by InkStinkPurple_ t3_10l3fdb in newhampshire
I started a new health insurance on the 1st and just picked up a monthly Rx. It went from a $50 copay to full price . I did use a manufacturer’s coupon to get it down around $400. There is no generic alternative and I previously tried several common/cheaper drugs that have a similar effect (but aren’t nearly as effective). Poking around online, it looks like it might be around $100/mo up there. That would be a huge relief. Even more so if I could get a 3mos supply each quarter.
Does anyone get their prescriptions up there? How does it work?
NyxOrTreat t1_j5ulpwf wrote
I don’t go to Canada, but did you check if your Rx is available via Cost Plus Drugs? I get my meds through them, and no lie I spend ~$10 per fill when at Walgreens etc. I’d pay $150 for one and nearly $400 for another.