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[deleted] t1_j6f5jjp wrote



beagletronic61 t1_j6fc9f1 wrote

I’ll +1 for Jefco.

The most favorable course of events is 1) he pleads guilty to what it sounds like he knows that he DID do 2) he signs up immediately for the IDIP program 3) doing so vacates 6 of the 9 month suspension AND the DMV will generally waive the ALS 4) he will pay a fine ($620) and lose his license for 3 months 5) after 45 days he can apply for a limited license to drive to work (after installing an ignition interlock at his expense). An attorney may be able to find an angle to destroy the case on procedure or something like that but this is less than ideal; the average DUI has to drive intoxicated 188 times before getting arrested so I think it’s entirely likely that this wasn’t his first time and if he doesn’t take responsibility here, it also likely won’t be his last…DUI has a better than 90% recidivism rate.


[deleted] t1_j6fd3xj wrote



beagletronic61 t1_j6feo8w wrote

It’s packed with denial…he’ll learn alllllllll about denial at the IDIP weekend course. The final draft usually goes something like “I knowingly drank to excess, got behind the wheel because of my contempt for the law, and I have nobody to blame but myself. I accept the consequences of my actions.”


BigBlueDane t1_j6fyj2f wrote

OPs story translated “I was busted for drunk driving and I want to test the believability of my fake story as to why I refused the breathalyzer”


Wit_Smart_Heart t1_j6fq5tw wrote

There is —if a defendant pleads guilty to a DWI, the prosecutor can withdraw the ALS suspension.