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Technical_Feature_35 t1_j5d28rx wrote

So they can tell me I need new tires that they just sold me every single year. Dumped one shop for this offense, who's next? DM me for name of shop not to go-to in the valley.


mike-manley t1_j5ej9ce wrote

Are you buying bottom-of-the-barrel tires and driving them 30,000 miles a year?

You can self test by using the penny trick or getting a dread depth meter which is probably like $5 on Amazon.


Technical_Feature_35 t1_j5f67us wrote

Good quality tires. Not premium but not the cheap options, much less than 30k miles. They once replaced a 6 month old tire that they put on for me without calling first. I didn't check or have proof that it was okay so battle lost.

The next time they tried this they slipped and told me in person but I was prepared with the receipt of when they put it on. Oddly enough they switched to "it'll be good another season but we'll want to change that next time."

My fault for not checking myself but I'm done with them. Dishonest and trying to pull a quick one.


mike-manley t1_j5g4uny wrote

Only thing I can think of is maybe really bad alignment. Or a foreign object in the tire? Tires don't go bad that quick otherwise!