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13_0_0_0_0 t1_j8x2ix1 wrote

Yup, that smell. Plus I noticed some crazy white stuff on the roads all day yesterday that looked like road salt, except obviously they weren't laying down salt for 50-70 degree weather.

Of course locals in Ohio aren't getting a straight answer, I doubt we'll even get sideways glance by officials this far away.


ItsAllMyAlt t1_j8xfu9c wrote

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If CT is feeling the effects, that means a ton of other states besides OH are too. Politicians everywhere should be shouting from the rooftops about this, and I suspect those that won’t do so receive financial support from Norfolk Southern.


blacklung990 t1_j8xglbc wrote

You know what, I noticed what looked like salt when walking yesterday, too. I didn't think too much of it, there wasn't a lot and figured it was just left over. What do you think it could have been other than salt?


autumn--blaze t1_j8y7zr0 wrote

Woah I saw white stuff on my road yesterday & thought it was odd that there was salt on the roads. Never considered it could be from the Ohio rail disaster. I actually had my windows open for several hours yesterday because it was so warm. Yikes!!