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t1_jblgzlu wrote

Reply to comment by in My Day in New Haven by

They said they were in the Berkshires, thats at least an hour away.

Again, college town. Yale has museums that are better than most university's. Other than that most colleges are just nice famous buildings and old architecture. They're the ones who wanted to see Yale.

No one said it was a tourist hotspot, but if you want to stop by, walk around a pleasant campus, and experience a dense, walkable colonial era downtown you could do a lot worse than New Haven.


t1_jblhi7h wrote

Yes, I understand they were far away, that’s why I’m saying they spontaneously camped in New Haven and it’s just not a great city to go to spontaneously. You can’t just wander around and find cool stuff everywhere


t1_jblju8a wrote

I disagree, you can absolutely spontaneously stop by and have a nice time for an afternoon or evening. If you're expecting hours of urban wandering you're gonna be disappointed but you could've saved yourself the trouble by just looking at a map.


t1_jblptc5 wrote

Obviously not, see the post we are commenting on. If you live in the area, sure. But not as easy as when you’re a tourist


t1_jbn204a wrote

You keep on saying "its not so easy if youre a tourist", like a mantra as if tourists are all brainless shambling zombies. Then again OP was unable to find Yale despite being within clear line of sight to a couple tall Yale buildings and presumably around plenty of townies who could point them in the right direction, yet failed to find it, so who knows maybe youre right.


t1_jbo2xw1 wrote

Maybe some people are shy and don’t feel comfortable asking strangers for help? What I am saying is New Haven isn’t just a city where you can just walk around Lake, New York city or Boston and find some cool stuff, you walk in the wrong area New Haven then you’re done for. Obviously, this is what they did. They walked around and found the worst part, they could’ve kept walking towards Yellen found something better, but I think the point is New Haven is ignite city for people who live here, but not that great for tourists.


t1_jbpoohb wrote

They took way more initiative in creating their post than they did during their time here. They had a 90 minute drive to look up one of the many recently articles from the NYT about what there is to do here, let alone from a local publication. Instead they wanted to complain. Sorry that locals aren’t satisfied with that.