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OverDimension5842 t1_jcjs5oy wrote

As someone who recently moved from a state where we had central heating run by a natural gas furnace (maybe $150 a month in the winter) to a house that has electric baseboard heat in CT (so far, each month this winter has been $900+) I’d say no on the electric. We’re considering installing a wood stove.


jgregory17 t1_jcjt4hq wrote

I went the catalytic wood stove route a few years ago. It could save some money if you have a good source of seasoned wood (e.g. you own a large wooded property and don’t mind felling trees and splitting wood). But at $400/cord it’s a lot of work for what’s probably very little in savings. That being said, I love having a roaring fire in the evenings and it provides a nice warm room for my wife.


chroniclerofblarney t1_jck9v8b wrote

Why are you paying 400/cord? I just had a cord of seasoned delivered last week for 225 and that is pretty standard around here (Tolland County). Is this Fairfield that you’re talking about?


jgregory17 t1_jctl9g6 wrote

I’m in New Haven. Always happy to switch to a reliable supplier if I can find one. The definition of “seasoned” seems to be a bit shaky when I was looking, so I go with someone I trust than the lowest bidder.


buried_lede t1_jcp5aby wrote

Baseboard electric is way more expensive than electric heat pumps