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catsmash t1_jdev4b5 wrote

the air of superiority is a feature, not a bug. yale works extremely hard from day one to embed this in undergrads. they're very much intended to leave yale feeling entirely separate from the average human. it's a technique intended, ultimately, to increase alumni donations.

edit: lol i'm not remotely kidding.

edit 2: yalies reading this like "no, -I- could NEVER have been emotionally deceived, i am FAR less susceptible to these cons than regular humans" lol


Goodbye_megaton t1_jdf94vc wrote

Yale has been cultivating this since they walled off the university from the city in the early 20th century. I remember hearing a rumor that freshman undergrads are told where not to go and while it’s obviously anecdotal it would not surprise me.


catsmash t1_jdfbiqm wrote

oh, they are. it's prevalent to the extent that a casual survey of undergrads some years ago (pre-pandemic) revealed that some absolutely insane percentage of them (like seventy, eighty) didn't realize new haven was on the water.