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peter-doubt t1_j8kilbs wrote

Very warm water.. much easier to find food.

But still shipping hazards they don't normally see with that much food.


tony_boxacannoli t1_j8l855n wrote

>Why do dead whales keep washing up in NJ?

..the ones that aren't dead swim by


FilmoreGash t1_j8lo6gp wrote

Does anyone have an idea what is the overall population of whales? I know it sounds like a dumb question, but years ago I neversaw deer, or wild turkeys or bear in lower Bergen County. Now they're pretty common.

If the whale population is rebounding in the Atlantic, wouldn't it fllow that there are more whalesto die and therefore wash ashore?


decoy1209 t1_j8lrm4i wrote

it could be that the whale population has reached a point that we are seeing more dead from old age and other natural causes. there was also a theory put forward that windmills are to blame. research is still out on that last one.


Mr_Matt_K t1_j8mglhq wrote

Teabaggers: "Wind turbines. Now if you'll excuse me, we're off to golf with Norfolk Southern, they did nothing wrong in Ohio."


therealdieseld t1_j8mlmim wrote

There’s an interesting article about the sonar used in pre-construction is interfering with whales location abilities. I’ll edit this comment with the link when I have time to find it


Hooktales t1_j8moik2 wrote

NOAA has been studying unusual mortality events of 174 humpbacks along the entire U.S. East Coast since Jan. 2016,which pre-dates offshore wind activities in the region. Almost half of those #'s are boat related either tangled or hit.

I somewhat agree with you regarding the population increase. But also the # of people who own boats now too greatly increased in the last 10 years. People fish/pull boats right up on them for sm fame.


Mini-salt t1_j8n8emt wrote

From what I was reading on news sites, the humpback whale population was noted as rebounding or having significant growth. So while we should probably figure out what's causing this, their population is in an ok spot, for now.


Woodbutcher31 t1_j8nim9v wrote

It’s gotta be the wind turbines, the sonar tests being done for the new ones- I don’t care what they say, that’s the only thing that’s drastically diffrent.


A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_j8nvotm wrote

> I don’t care what they say, that’s the only thing that’s drastically diffrent.

Correlation and causation are not the same thing. It sucks how social media and it's echo chambers have made so many people armchair scienticians.


br2030 t1_j91rgdh wrote

Russian submarines are killing the whales. We could easily track their subs using sosus, sonobuoys and low power sonar while keeping them aware that we know exactly where they are. The Russians use whales as a sonar shield and are signaling to us that they are going to kill everything if we don't let them do what they want