I was very in favor of the wind farms when they were first announced. To me it seemed an awesome idea. Clean energy with no setbacks!
I don’t think the whale stuff is 100% the fault of the windmill building, and I think that’s mostly Republican propaganda (although in general I’m not a fan of ruling out just because republicans are taking the opposite stance. I would like to see more concrete research either way)
All that being said, with the windmills in public conscious again it’s got me thinking about how will they impact are day to day life? I understand the general spiel: a great source of clean renewable energy. That’s awesome. But what exactly does that mean? As NJ resident and taxpayer, will I see the impacts of this financially at all? Will the access to clean energy result in money saving in some aspect of NJ life?
If not financially, will I experience evidence of the cleaner energy? Will there be less power plant smoke stacks on my drive to the airport?
I hope my tone doesn’t come across like an asshole here. I’m genuinely curious and enthusiastic about more clean energy, just curious If anyone knows the exact benefits we can expect
Jimmytowne t1_ja0qt2z wrote
Nobody Alive today will see world peace in their lifetime. The mere thought of war increases the price of non reusable energy. It’s important to have wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric accessible to our state and nation.
Will our utilities bills get cut in half? Probably not, but they won’t double because two countries don’t like each other.
Some of the most beautiful places in the world Have wind turbines in their waters. NJ will get used to it