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t1_j8rkt6b wrote

Say what you want about the first movie, the location work was excellent.


t1_j8s8sbj wrote

I agree. You can overdo Gotham.

Watch em slip an obscure Soprano's 'B' roll into it, just to fuck with us.


t1_j8sx1zp wrote

Gotham is in jersey after all, so I guess it would also back the authenticity of how it should feel


t1_j8sycd2 wrote

It’s South Jersey, though


t1_j8syv8g wrote

The film shooting or the fact Gotham is above AC?


t1_j8ujkom wrote

I'd read that, in universe, it's located where Cape May is. Metropolis is in Delaware.

The universe changes a lot though.


t1_j8y6oio wrote

In the last Harley Quinn Clayface was meeting his date in Hoboken and it was walking distance for him to get there lol. They’re all over the place


t1_j900tvp wrote

In the 1966 show, Gotham was clearly a stand in for New York. They had a lot of puns that made it plain as day. For example, the mayor of New York was John Lindsay. The name of the mayor in the 66 show was Linseed. The Dynamic Duo even went across the bridge to New Guernsey a few times. Har, har, har.


t1_j8rqdva wrote

Well that’s extremely exciting. Gotham is canonically in NJ, it’s about time


t1_j8rqlbm wrote

About time? They’ve filmed several Batman universe movies here now lol.


t1_j8ruavj wrote

Several? I knew the previous Joker was filmed in JC but not aware of any others.


t1_j8rypdy wrote

Dark Knight had many scenes filmed in Newark


t1_j8s1frn wrote

This. Light rail station and Newark city hall off the top of my head was used in TDKR


t1_j8sex0w wrote

Don't worry. You're not the only one. Didn't know any were shot here either. People just act surprised when others don't know something they do.


t1_j8rvz9j wrote

I'd love to see them try to film down in like...Lower Alloways Creek or wherever exactly Gotham is on the map


t1_j8tg4xj wrote

Camden would have the same look and feel of Gotham as Newark and be much more authentic. plus it would be great for the city.


t1_j8tzyko wrote

Way too dangerous thanks to Route 130, though. Those hollywood types wouldn't be able to make it to the shoot safely. I'm picturing whole caravans of cars and crew vehicles wondering when there'll be a left turn, all with their blinkers on through multiple intersections.


t1_j8tfyyj wrote

yea, but down in south jersey near Camden. it would be so good for the city if they filmed there instead. I get why their filming in Newark, but I wish they would give it a shot


t1_j8s1gl9 wrote

I saw them setting up on BRoadway in Fair Lawn last week. Looks like they were doing an overnight shoot bc by morning they were totally gone.


t1_j8stw2a wrote

I passed by their set and I was thinking what's going on lol. I never thought it was for this movie


t1_j8rmwo8 wrote

I really can't wait for people to try and pronounce Folie à Deux in conversations. Have you seen that Joker: Fool a Dukes?


t1_j8u237b wrote

Can you please explain how to pronounce it?


t1_j8u3bd9 wrote

fo·lie à deux /ˌfälē ä ˈdə,fōˌlē ä ˈdə/

Eili5: Say "Folly a de" with a French accent, or Google it and listen to them say it.


t1_j8shaqr wrote

I was background on the last Joker movie, so I might work on this one if they're looking for more background.


t1_j8snqky wrote

How would one get into that? Sounds like a fun gig


t1_j8tz435 wrote

Last time there was an add looking for 400 extras for a scene in Jersey City at the court house. That's how I got the job. They used me for 4 shoots.


t1_j8rpth0 wrote

I hope they have a scene at the Bendix Diner!! Love when that location turns up on film. And they make amazing food.


t1_j8texkt wrote

I only went there once and I distinctly recall breakfast was excellent


t1_j8tkf0s wrote

Killer breakfast!! Great pastries bc the grandma or the son who is enrolled at John & Wales makes them. It is family owned and run, which is amazing.


t1_j8u3wlc wrote

Oh, that's The Blob diner, right? I used to live right near there...never went. Usually went to the Candlewyck or the Meadowlands.


t1_j8u777h wrote

That’s the one! Great breakfast and reasonably priced. I haven’t been to Meadlowlands, but we live closer to Candlewyck, so we’ve been there a bunch of times.


t1_j8um58r wrote

The bagel place on the south side of 17 right across from the Bendix was always a spot I stopped at when passing by as well


t1_j8v3mov wrote

Goldbergs. They’re the best in that area IMO.


t1_j8vb3vr wrote

The problem with this area is that each bagel store has extreme bad components and if I took the good qualities of all them, I’d have a great bagel store.

One has good ‘sandwich’ bagels and tasty eggs, but the service is painfully slow and often gets our order wrong (even if they’re not busy); another the eggs are great, but the sausages are halved links (unacceptable); a different one has crappy hard NYC style bagels, but great juices, shakes, and nice people. 🤷‍♀️

I miss Palisades Park bagels, but it’s out of the way now. I also like Lodi and Bob’s, but haven’t been often enough to really judge.


t1_j8s7hoo wrote

I still have personal pictures of the sets when they filmed the first one on market street


t1_j8tfswb wrote

I like how they use Newark as Gotham, but it really should be Camden


t1_j8sed8o wrote

I actually loved the Joaquin Phoenix Joker. Thought it was only going to be an origin movie, so I'm thrilled to see they are making a sequel. Joaquin Phoenix is a great actor. Love his stuff


t1_j8ujcf9 wrote

"We need a place that matches the tragic, ordered chaos of late stage capitalism. I'm thinking bleak, soulless concrete corridors that lead to absolutely nowhere. Something that's perpetually gray, like an endless depression. A place that would make you slit your own wrists just to see some color."

-"You guys ever been to Jersey in winter?"


t1_j8sl4wb wrote

So it looks like they're really going to lean into the dirt and run-down motif this time around.


t1_j8t6x90 wrote

I have a condition where I become the Joker.


t1_j8vrnie wrote

I don’t know how we’re supposed to sympathize with the joker. There is no sympathizing with the joker. I won’t watch the second one. This is trash disguised as something meaningful. It is not meaningful. The first one was a really terrible movie and somehow people got hyped up about it.


t1_j8s6jzc wrote

I am really not feeling the fact it's a musical, but I was one of those people that thought Heath Ledger would be a terrible Joker. I'll wait for reviews before I see it.


t1_j8s1oqv wrote

I tried to watch the first one for the NJ scenes and ended up dying of boredom about 30 minutes in


t1_j8s5jms wrote



t1_j8s5nai wrote

Ive never used tiktok in my life, try again. It's a shit movie.


t1_j8sqhx2 wrote

Sure buddy, it’s a shit movie that’s why it made stupid amount of money and was greenlit for a sequel that they’re filming now.


t1_j8sureu wrote

Imagine thinking that quality=success.

There are 14 movies in the Air Bud series.


t1_j8swxaq wrote

Why didn't you like it?


t1_j8sxmup wrote

I thought it was incredibly boring. I have no issue with slow movies, stuff like Lincoln and whatnot. This was just badly written garbage


t1_j8szzzq wrote

You can dislike something without it being shit. It's not.


t1_j8t5rdh wrote

You can like something and still admit it's garbagte. Thats ok, we're not judging you.

Example: I watched The Walking Dead to the end. Pure garbage. And thats ok.


t1_j8t8xy4 wrote

Right, so you watch garbage and turn off cinema... I am 100% judging you.


t1_j8te41h wrote

It has a 69% on Tomato my dude, it isnt cinema. Its a D-.

Here are what cinema expert say.

>Never evolves beyond scene after scene of painful slights, degradations, and worse - empty provocations.

>Joker is a self-serious movie that, in spite of its lead, posits itself as revolutionary when it never hovers above bland and tasteless.

>Bleak and juvenile

>Joker is a bad movie, yes: It's predictable, clichéd, deeply derivative of other, better movies, and overwritten to the point of self-parody.

Once you graduate High School, you may better be able to reflect on what "cinema" is.