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PirateForward8827 t1_jdmfjrb wrote

NJ is very employee friendly. I work in healthcare and we have fired people for stealing from patients. They still applied for and received unemployment, albeit often with a delay (like a month).


jigggyman t1_jdmfsl9 wrote

hopefully. I’m just worried due to the wording of the “gross misconduct” on the UI website. I’m thinking the gross misconduct refers to being fired for crimes committed at work but just wanted to be sure.


I_Am_Skipples t1_jdmgfk4 wrote

Gross misconduct is what you’ve described. Assault can be a crime that falls within the scope of that language.


jigggyman t1_jdmgs5a wrote

I understand that. What i am asking is does gross misconduct in terms of Unemployment refer to gross misconduct at the workplace? My job does not know that I have an assault charge. They just know I have a disqualifying reason.


biscovery t1_jdmjsci wrote

I would file either way. Worst thing that happens is they deny your claim.