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t1_jdxmdzl wrote

This gets asked quite frequently here, and the answer is always no.


t1_jdy14eh wrote

No, not optional. Tesla owners, like cops, generally think the law doesn’t apply to them.


t1_jdxoz37 wrote

Selective enforcement. Same as with window tinting, license plate obstruction, rear view mirror hangings, and other various things.


t1_jdzlbsg wrote

Those are not primary offenses and an officer can't stop someone just for those items alone.

Aside from the window tint, the other items are what officers write instead of giving you a point violation summons like speeding.

The obstructed license plate has recent case law that pretty much allows it because a Judge decided to legislate from the bench. This is why officers do not write a summons under this item anymore. You're more likely to get a summons for obstructed windshield or delaying traffic as an alternative to a moving violation like speeding.


t1_jdy3djp wrote

When Tesla delivers the vehicle they just throw the front plate holder in the trunk. Many don’t know how, forget or don’t care to install it. Cops aren’t going to waste their time. It’s time to do like PA does and lose the front plate altogether.


t1_jdxsa6l wrote

Nah. Ppl willing to risk running without and get a ticket or they have it on the dash inside the car


t1_jdzo1ib wrote

Yeah, I’m sick of them. the dealerships need to make sure the car rolls off the lot with a preinstalled mount, not something thrown in the trunk and left to the owner to install.

End of the day Tesla wants a certain look for their cars and enjoys the attention flouting the law gets in states like NJ; Tesla owners have the same reasons.


t1_jdyqbex wrote

I believe I read somewhere before that the police cannot pull you over and give you a ticket simply because you don’t have a front plate. However, the police may add this along with the other violations that cause you being pulled over.


t1_jdzoef4 wrote

My front plate fell off when I was off roading and I drove without it for probably close to three years but I always had it in the vehicle. I drove past the same trooper almost every day going to work. Eventually one day he pulled me over and simply told me to put my plate back on and let me go about my day.


t1_jdzyl5j wrote

I don't have a front plate on any of my cars. I've been pulled over once and that was at a dui checkpoint. Didn't get a ticket for it.


t1_je10f21 wrote

They are effectively optional in the sense that you won't get pulled over for it, but they might write you a ticket for it if you get pulled over for another infraction.

If the penalty is a small probability of a small fine then a lot of people will treat it as optional.


t1_jdy1s80 wrote

Someone may have stolen the front plate. Happened to me.


t1_jdxk2pi wrote

No most have the license on their dash.


t1_jdymt3p wrote

That's gonna be real fun when the air bag inflates.


t1_jdxv1tn wrote

No they're just unsightly and people choose to take them off and risk the minor inconvenience of a ticket.

Takes quite the scumbag of an acab to give someone a ticket over tags or tints.
