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michelem387 t1_jdckk7k wrote

I mailed the paper application in November and mine still says Processing. I'm not surprised by that though, I think payments are starting around May.


ansky201 t1_jdcma9w wrote

I did mine online back in October. The status says it's in the final approval stages.


jerseydevil51 t1_jdcn9nz wrote

I did mine online and says:

>We completed processing your 2019 ANCHOR Benefit application and your benefit is in the final approval stages. Check back soon for your scheduled approval date.


midnight_thunder t1_jdcnu25 wrote

I mailed mine in January. Online says that it still hasn’t been received, but when I called them directly they told me that they had my application and that it hadn’t yet been processed.


N0_ThisIsPATRICK t1_jdcpbvp wrote

I didn't know you could check the status! Thanks for sharing the link.

I mailed mine in January and was hoping it would get there, so I'm glad to see that it is officially "Received" although it hasn't yet progressed past that point.


Phil_ODendron t1_jdcqgxr wrote

The website very clearly stated that you should not expect a payment until "late spring."

If you mailed your application, it will probably take even longer than those applications filed online.


Cashneto t1_jdcvswe wrote

You should call and check. I mailed mine in December and it was "lost" I called several times and eventually mailed it certified in late January. Called several times again and they finally found it. I then had to call again to have an online profile set up so I could check the status online. Gotta love the government!


bighaircutforbigtuna t1_jdcwbzb wrote

I filed mine online in December, and I can see via that link it has been approved and the dollar amount. Thanks for the link!


pdills12 t1_jdcxy0d wrote

Random question because this was the first time I filed. Why are we just now filing for 2019? Is there that much of a gap?


mikedjb t1_jdd0tob wrote

Awesome. Thanks for the link


AlfredoCustard t1_jdd17te wrote

I mailed mine in december and my status is "Application Received". I would give them a call.


Totulkaos6 t1_jddara9 wrote

I’ve heard they won’t even begin to start issuing the payments until May


DebRog t1_jddfev0 wrote

I heard May is when distribution will go into affect.


ghostboo77 t1_jddp3bi wrote

The benefit and income limits are much higher for 2019 because of Covid money from the federal government.

Most likely you wouldn’t have qualified in previous years, plus the benefit would have been much lower


pdills12 t1_jddphzn wrote

That I get I was more asking why are we filing 2019 in 2022? I assumed it was like taxes where your filing for the previous year or has there always been like a 2-3 year gap in filing years?


Minimum_One3738 t1_jdfdpz6 wrote

I mailed mine the day before the deadline and it says application received.


samy1704 t1_jdfnme6 wrote

I read they won’t be doing payments till April


njstout2 t1_jdhs0e5 wrote

how is it paid out? mine is "processing" but i have moved so i dont recall if i entered the benefit location or the new location