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Imalawyerkid t1_jdkmxzz wrote

I think geography actually explains a lot here. Jealousy of richer towns like Westfield and scotch plains versus poorer towns like linden and Rahway leaves Clark in the middle wanting to be one and not the other. Some of the mansions in Irvington that have been converted to 10 family homes makes me think white flight, and Clark isn’t far from there, so you get generational racism. I grew up with a lot of Italians with Newark history, lots of hard r racists. The police doing driving while black stops- that shit was done where I grew up and racists loved it… made them feel safe, reinforced the “not in my neighborhood” vibes. When we looked at homes in Clark, it was a lot of dead old people homes. I know racists come in all ages, but those old racists hit differently- way more willing to come out and be out, no fear of being exposed on the internet or lose their jobs.