Submitted by dowagiacmichigan t3_1215l65 in newjersey

Recently learned about Clark, NJ- a small, middle class suburb in Union County that's known for its' racism, from a college friend who lives in Clark and hated it. The way in which my friend described Clark made it sound like some backwoods coal holler town in Alabama. Clark, even in 2023 and in a very diverse county in a very diverse state, is still almost 100% white, mostly old-school Italian folks. It effectively operates as a "sundown town", and Black and Hispanic folks are subject to be harassed by police past dark for no reason if they dare step foot in Clark. My friend said that growing up in Clark, Black people were often the butt of jokes and the N word (with hard R) would be regularly said, and there were almost zero POC in the school system. My friends neighbors moved to Clark because they wanted "a safe white town where they wouldn't have to see the minorities everywhere", and apparently a lot of other families had this type of attitude. Those who lived in Clark were well aware of the town's reputation, and were proud of it. Both residents and non-residents would pejoratively refer to Clark as "Clarkkk" or "no dark Clark". The sole Black family in the neighborhood had their house egged more than once. Kids in Clark were taught never to step foot in or talk to anyone from neighboring Rahway or Linden because "that's where the black people live". POC from neighboring towns, like Rahway and Linden, will often do anything they can to avoid being in Clark, even if it means taking a much more inconvenient route. There were people in Clark apparently known to be affiliated with the KKK. Even the longtime mayor is known to be openly racist, once claiming that he is "pro good Black people".

My question is, how did Clark become such a hotbed of racism? Given its location, it just doesn't add up. An inner-ring suburb that is 90% white, 70% Republican, and average income, surrounded by much more diverse towns. Most other suburbs in NJ that once had white-only housing covenants decades have integrated now, and it is almost unheard of to see a town in north central NJ that is 90% white, regardless of income. Is there any hope for Clark in the future?



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Rusty_Ferberger t1_jdkjg5n wrote

You may only be familiar with Clark, but I assure you, there are many towns in NJ like this. As an average white guy, the amount of white people who confess their racism to me is astounding.


Perfect_Extreme_5733 t1_jdmr3ry wrote

Couldn't agree more... moved back to jersey after a lifetime in California and was literally in shock at what other white's would say to me. The 'white wink'...


eskihomer t1_jdkg83t wrote

I’ll see your Clark and raise you a Howell


PracticableSolution t1_jdkiym8 wrote

Will see your Howell and raise you an Egg Harbor.


eskihomer t1_jdkj8et wrote



dowagiacmichigan OP t1_jdkgb62 wrote

I don't understand what you're referring to.


eskihomer t1_jdkglya wrote

I don’t know much about Clark other than while I worked in Westfield for a time. But what you are describing is pretty common. And possibly most so in Howell, another NJ town. It’s not rare.


EntranceMoney7855 t1_jdkthjk wrote

Better question is why are so many italian Americans so racist


Ra1zun t1_jdo1epd wrote

There's also a sizable Polish American population that lives in Clark that hold similar views. It's not even just the racism. I grew up in Clark and the people that live there, in general, are just nasty and hateful. Couldn't leave that town soon enough.


blmzd t1_jdm823q wrote

Yup. My answer to OP was going to point out the “mostly old school Italian American” population of Clark. My ex’s stepfamily is from Clark and, more than once, I’ve heard at the dinner table references to the neighborhood potentially “changing”. Can’t imagine the convos when I wasn’t around.


kiLLxander t1_jdkqr2m wrote

I'm there every night with 0 issue lol I'm very noticeably a POC. I've never had any issue with any civilian of police.


njrun t1_jdkgoq1 wrote

Surrounding towns like Westfield got more expensive so a certain profile of people moved to Clark


healthierlurker t1_jdknadt wrote

Grew up in Westfield. Still live in the area right by Clark. Westfield is plenty racist. But mostly classist and elitist.


SlayerOfDougs t1_jdkgolo wrote

There are quite a few towns like this in NJ. Heck Hamilton has a large Hispanic and black population but the white section may as well have a fence in front.


Imalawyerkid t1_jdkmxzz wrote

I think geography actually explains a lot here. Jealousy of richer towns like Westfield and scotch plains versus poorer towns like linden and Rahway leaves Clark in the middle wanting to be one and not the other. Some of the mansions in Irvington that have been converted to 10 family homes makes me think white flight, and Clark isn’t far from there, so you get generational racism. I grew up with a lot of Italians with Newark history, lots of hard r racists. The police doing driving while black stops- that shit was done where I grew up and racists loved it… made them feel safe, reinforced the “not in my neighborhood” vibes. When we looked at homes in Clark, it was a lot of dead old people homes. I know racists come in all ages, but those old racists hit differently- way more willing to come out and be out, no fear of being exposed on the internet or lose their jobs.


Wolfir t1_jdko9eu wrote

I walk in the park in Clark every single day


rsvp_nj t1_jdkmbyv wrote

In the 70’s and 80’s Clark had that reputation even then. This goes back a long way. There was a story about Spencer Christian, a WABC TV weatherman being harassed when he bought a home there.


Legitimate-Lies t1_jdkofrp wrote

I see your Clark and raise you a Wall Township
