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thisnewsight t1_jd497cy wrote

My fuckin’ in-laws are Jewish expats from Russia. They fled for persecution reasons.

Anti-immigrant and Republican authoritarian. Like wtf?

I remember my wife was completely beleaguered by her father and mother’s comments on immigration. She said, then you guys gotta go. You were immigrants. You don’t want immigrants here. Leave America. They had nothing to say.

I asked, “Why did you leave an authoritarian government for fear of your life only to want another authoritarian government?”

Edit: I’m seeing some conservatives a little unhappy with this post.

To clarify: they came here illegally via fake visa. They are now legal citizens for over 20 years.

They are against ALL immigration. Legal or not. They just want America to themselves (white).


sutisuc t1_jd4owip wrote

My favorite is all of the people from communist countries who demonstrate they have no conception of what they experienced or what communism is when they tell you with a straight face Joe Biden is a communist


storm2k t1_jd5udid wrote

common refrain from a lot of groups of expats here in the states. people like trump and desantis have strength in florida because the cubans, venezuelans, and colombians view anyone who isn't ultra hard right conservative is a communist who's out to get them.


sutisuc t1_jd5vgxt wrote

Yup exactly who I was thinking of with that comment. I’ve also encountered it with Vietnamese and ex Soviets as well.


SailingSpark t1_jd4lra1 wrote

>I asked, “Why did you leave an authoritarian government for fear of your life only to want another authoritarian government?”

Authoritarianism is easy, you just do what they tell you to do. One of my co-workers is pro-fascist/Authoritarian, not that he will admit it. There is not a rule, recommendation, or a law he will break. If he is told to do something a certain way, he will do it that way, no ifs, ands, or buts.


tmssX t1_jd4n4fh wrote

My authoritarian coworker got back from vacation and it was so nice not hearing the words publicly executed


Deslah t1_jd5row2 wrote

Following instructions in a work setting or obeying the laws of the country/state/country/city you live in isn't being "pro-fascist/authoritarian". It usually means you're a good worker and a decent resident in your community.

So, please tell us more about these horrendous situations in which he's told to do something in a certain way and he actually does it that way.



Legitimate_Page t1_jd7jr7n wrote

Found the guy driving 55 on 295.


Deslah t1_jd7klck wrote

Nah, more like 115mph on the German autobahn--outside of the speed limit zones, of course.


SailingSpark t1_jd6jjj4 wrote

How about not once putting a foot on the upper rungs of a ladder because it is "illegal"?


Deslah t1_jd7bpj7 wrote

Imagine considering someone 'sheeple' for not wanting to end up paralyzed--that's the most NJ'est thing I've read on here in a long time.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was passed to prevent workers from being killed or otherwise harmed at work. The law (yes, the law) requires employers to provide their employees with working conditions that are free of known dangers.

Ladder Basics:

  1. When on a ladder, never face away from it.
  2. Never stand on the top rung of the step ladder.

That top rung is, at best, for your hands, not your feet. Ladder too short? Get a longer fucking ladder.


psilosophist t1_jd7ds7d wrote

Sounds like someone who knows their OSHA rules. Following OSHA rules is fantastic for malicious compliance.


SailingSpark t1_jd85x4p wrote

I don't disagree with you. But him saying it is "illegal" was the thing that got me.


BlazinGlazin848 t1_jd4o8u0 wrote

Being a legal immigrant doesnt mean you are for illegal immigrants.


SeparateAddress9070 t1_jd5yroh wrote

you do realize that 90% of "illegal immigrants" are legal immigrants whos visas expired right? Stop acting like these are different types of people.


BlazinGlazin848 t1_jd611vd wrote

Illegal is illegal, focus on the specifics. There are people that have spent the time to do things legally and others that break the law . My parents did it legally.


SeparateAddress9070 t1_jd619a3 wrote

"break the law" you mean not make a visa appointment because they had to keep their job to keep a roof over their head?

You have NO idea what these people are going through


BlazinGlazin848 t1_jd61gn5 wrote

You have no idea what legal immigrants have to go through. Stop making excuses. And I’m also referring to many that have crossed the border illegally too.


SeparateAddress9070 t1_jd61uwi wrote

>And I’m also referring to many that have crossed the border illegally too.

a very very small percentage of "illegal immigrants"


BlazinGlazin848 t1_jd63jzk wrote

We can argue about this back and forth. The point is this. My parents did it the right way and it was great pride for them to do it that way. It’s sad that you are making excuses for people that knowingly break the law. The amount of social services many illegals are getting now is ridiculous. Sorry but this only encourages people to not follow the law


SeparateAddress9070 t1_jd645wi wrote

"breaking the law" doesn't make someone any more or less moral. Sorry that you think that systems of oppression are a positive addition to society.


cC2Panda t1_jd7vawa wrote

If they are anything like a couple Russian Jewish and Cuban families that I know they don't actually give a shit about authoritarian or fascist politicians. They just know that they left a "communist" country and so any claim of "communism" or "socialism" and they back he actual fascists.

It's amazing that someone who fled an autocratic country could think the ACA is a step closer to us looking like Venezuela and not the UK but that's what I've seen repeatedly.


ToneThugsNHarmony t1_jd8ahht wrote

You’re purposely using “immigrant” as a blanket term, when the reality is that there are very different classifications.


streeter17 t1_jd5qpr9 wrote

We’re they legal immigrants? Did they fight to get their citizenships?

Major context missing.
