Submitted by GimpsterMcgee t3_12686tj in newjersey

I am in Boston at a bar right now, and my friend “convinced” me to go do karaoke. I sang a Bruce Springsteen song, and was so terrible, that I will be run out of the state if I ever return. I guess this is my fate now. I either need a new identity and need to change my appearance or need to affect my fate.

Edit I am so sorry for disrespecting The Boss



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initial_patella t1_je834ok wrote

That’s ok. People in Boston don’t deserve good Springsteen karaoke. They’re from Boston.


Booga424 t1_je85wh6 wrote

Quick start singing Sweet Caroline, maybe nobody will notice.


Jimmytowne t1_je86i45 wrote

You’ll have to do a stellar impression of drop kick Murphy’s or you’ll be banned from Boston too


19374729 t1_je90ek1 wrote

my fav thing to do intentionally as a transplant is confuse springsteen and billy joel and for my own safety I will only admit it anonymously on the internet. father forgive me for my sins


Jimmy_kong253 t1_je979rw wrote

Come on Bruce Springsteen isn't even a great singer the man sounds like he's passing a kidney stone everytime he sings. I feel like the misfits should be held in higher regard than Springsteen in this state


dsarma t1_je99gcd wrote

You’re in Boston. Nobody here cares what you do as long as you leave it in Boston.


hagemeyp t1_je9afky wrote

Bruce is a great songwriter, but a terrible singer.


New_Stats t1_je9fcri wrote

OP you could've just not told anyone and it wouldn't been fine. It's not like we can understand Massholes when they babble on and on about whatever the fuck they talk about. Try as I might, I can't focus on what they're trying say and all I can think is "wow, that's a lot of whicket smahrts for one sentence" or "Jesus dude, how much coke did you snort in the bathroom?"


BF_2 t1_je9h58m wrote

Oh! Come on, now! Don't be a pansy!

If your singing sounded terrible then it probably sounded exactly like Springsteen. I mean, Springsteen, from all accounts is a great guy, but his singing ain't no better than Dillon's!

If we want good singing, we'll listen to Mario Lanza, or even <shudder> Sinatra. Not Springsteen!

Besides which, it sounds like you may have influenced some Bostonians to stay clear of Jersey. I mean, those drivers there are crazy, a real menace!


i_do_it_all t1_je9l5zt wrote

we are very proud of you. I know the boss is proud of you. thabks for the representation! we are here for you when you are ready. remember karaoke is to be celebrated doesn't matter how they sound.


GTSBurner t1_je9yhw9 wrote

The secret of doing karaoke is knowing your range. Doing Bruce well is nearly impossible. My wife is classically trained, and literally drops fools doing Dusty Springfield.


DarthBall t1_jea0t6c wrote

Say 10 Bon Jovis, 5 Gabagools and pour one out for the E Street Band and all will be forgiven


felipe_the_dog t1_jeakzfm wrote

You've learned your lesson. Say three gabagools and fugheddaboutit.


EbolaFred t1_jeakzk9 wrote

>I sang a Bruce Springsteen song, and was so terrible, that I will be run out of the state if I ever return.

Yeah, we know. We all got the alert at 10pm last night. Thanks for waking me up, asshole.


Dyltra t1_jeb3n22 wrote

It’s all good. I don’t even like Bruce Springsteen.


hfhifi t1_jebaslr wrote

I lived there for 20 years. They love The Boss as much as we do. But never ever ever say you like the Yankees. You WILL get beaten up. And make sure you say you’re from Jersey: not Metro NY.


hfhifi t1_jebazsh wrote

Sing a Pixies or Dropkick Murphies song and you will be a God.


imfeelingsaucy t1_jebigqo wrote

The Ghost of Tom Joad is all mumbles and vowels. Anyone can sing it


quietlyobservingthis t1_jebzzrl wrote

Why do you think we would run you out of your own terrible, terrible home full of terrible, terrible karaoke singers? You ruined their bar, not ours.