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t1_jdp5jgl wrote

Assuredly they realize fascism in Israel is not good for the country just like its rise here in the United States is bad for us. It’s a recipe for suffering and injustice.


OP t1_jdp7j76 wrote

12 weeks of 200K+ people protesting would suggest there isn’t a popular mandate


t1_jdp8np2 wrote

Correct, but in this country we tend not to protest the shitty things the fascists are doing here.


t1_jdpn9yj wrote

Israel has been a fascist and apartheid state since its inception.


t1_jdqgfen wrote

You need to learn what constitutes "fascism" if you honestly believe that. The conservatives in Israel are toying with fascism right now but at no point have they ever had a fascist government.


t1_jdpqjz7 wrote

Yeah but they don't protest when the apartheid and fascism benefits them.