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gmoor90 OP t1_jebasq9 wrote

Excellent! I’m visiting again in June. I plan to spend a full day or two in Piscataway.


moobycow t1_jeek59r wrote

Make sure to take a good look around, the areas nearby go anywhere from 'strip mall central' to 'cul-de-sacs' to walkable little downtown and with your budget you should be able to pick which type you want pretty easily.


QuiGonJosh t1_jec5xqe wrote

Piscataway is a nice town, I lived there near the Dunellen border before moving to Memphis.


gmoor90 OP t1_jec94l4 wrote

Interesting! We are trading places.


QuiGonJosh t1_jecbcxn wrote

Enjoy the move! I like it here but NJ can't be beat.