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Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iu515qa wrote

>New teachers start at $50,000. Teachers make $150,000+ at the end of their careers. This is for 9 months worth of work.

Admin... also as I explained in seperate comment most teachers are working long term sub positions well before they are hired full time and they make less than 30k a year... it's also fairly presumptious and generous to say teachers are making 150k+ by the end of their career. What you don't realize is that's multiple masters/graduate credits, a PhD, coaching and all other additional work by year 40 if you're lucky at that point. Another fellow teacher already commented that most masters aren't even pushing salary past 65k which is ridiculous especially since we are still paying for it unlike in NY which makes districts pay for it since the state requires teachers to have a masters, they are also getting the fair pay bump in most districts outside the city as well.