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yuriydee t1_iue4n5f wrote

Thats why he won re-election.

But its a shame that later Christie threw away a lot of the that earned "respect" by trying to bow down to Trump to get into his administration. Maybe it wasnt as bad as the Ted "your wife is ugly Cruz" situation, but still I lost respect for him. I will also never forgive him for cancelling the Gateway project....even if NJ would have been screwed financially, setting it off by decade still screwed us even more.


Mr_Matt_K t1_iue9vrv wrote

He started throwing some of the respect away when all the Fort Lee stuff started coming out with the staffers he had hired (but that was after the 2013 election so he was still riding high on the Sandy bump). The Trump suckling in 2016 finished off the state Dems' respect for him and he lost pretty much the rest of the populace when the photo of him on the closed beach was taken.


d0mini0nicco t1_iug4r9j wrote

The guy attacked teachers and their benefits, as well as the police, firefighters, and other public workers that help the NJ society function as if theyre root cause of all the state’s problems. He handled Sandy well, yes, but anyone that goes on a public PR campaign that goes after the benefits of public servants that took decades to earn through contract negations is a big no my book. All the BS this state wastes money on, and public servants are the target. Hard no.


h0w13 t1_iue6dka wrote

I respected the hell out of first term Christie. Second term Christie got lofty dreams and left us all in his wake. Lot of good those dreams got him.


Basedrum777 t1_iuf76k3 wrote

Christie destroyed what was a good pension system in NJ.


leetnewb2 t1_iufg3fd wrote

Pretty sure Christie also contributed more to the pension than all of his predecessors combined. Reality is complicated.


Basedrum777 t1_iufmvws wrote


leetnewb2 t1_iuh3x5n wrote

I understand that he didn't pay as much as he negotiated, but neither did his predecessors. On the other hand, he contributed more than all of his predecessors. Christie ran the state in one of the worst economic environments of the last century. The tax collections weren't there to make those payments.

I appreciate why pensioners have it out for Christie, but to say that HE destroyed the pension when it was left unfunded across some 7 governors before him seems somewhat misguided.


Rainbowrobb t1_iuhc2mf wrote

And we have had many awful governors tying our state with the definition of corrupt, for some.


Basedrum777 t1_iuhfwdr wrote

Because he negotiated cuts to benefits including removing cost of living adjustments for already senior citizens, let the teachers hold up their end by less benefits and increase contributions, and then reneged on his side to get contributions in exchange.

It's not like the previous people. He specifically backed out of a deal he himself agreed to. He lied and anyone with any kind of brain knew he would. Because that's the kind of guy he is. He went around the state bad mouthing teachers who make 40k to teach people's children. He's a douche and typical of his party and supporters.


di11ettante t1_iugeis2 wrote

He tried pivoting to being an anti-abortion activist and looked foolish in the process -- it was nearly as bad as Cruz, Rubio, Paul, or Graham, but those four guys set records that may never be broken for debasing one's self.


ScorpionX-123 t1_iuehty8 wrote

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


pjsparkles83 t1_iue6tkc wrote

Did you read his book? I thought it was good and interesting to hear his version of the Trump stuff went.


yuriydee t1_iueab0l wrote

No i didnt honestly. Do you have a quick summary of what he said about that?

I know he has appeared on some talk shows and distanced himself from Trump lately, but maybe that was just my interpretation.