Ladyhoneyblu t1_iucj4ey wrote
This is fascinating!! It's incredible how we can still pull things like this from here. Well done OP!!!
Level-Ad-7628 t1_iucwt7z wrote
Great find!
magolmaethor t1_iud5mrv wrote
One of the most dense things I’ve found in NJ is these faux country boys, driving pick ups with FJB bumper stickers.
Can’t wait til they’re fossils.
Miss-Figgy t1_iud6s0p wrote
NJ is full of fossils, great grounds for hunting them!
hot__ice OP t1_iudixww wrote
Thank you! I’m really excited to start preparing the other blocks!
hot__ice OP t1_iudj0es wrote
You should! Reach out to @njfossils on Instagram and I can help you out with some of the more popular sites like where I’ve had luck at them etc.
hot__ice OP t1_iudj0wp wrote
Thank you!
hot__ice OP t1_iudj21d wrote
It sure is! It’s amazing
ophidiophobia_py_dev t1_iudqx9b wrote
Where do I go my 5yo loves this I want to take him
Miss-Figgy t1_iuds069 wrote
If you Google "fossil hunting New Jersey", you will see Big Brook Preserve, articles, and lists of fossil sites. Seems like New Jersey has an abundance of dinosaur fossils and shark teeth.
ophidiophobia_py_dev t1_iudssvi wrote
And I can just start digging there? Do you dig god I need to figure out so muvh
peter-doubt t1_iuf916p wrote
The first dinosaur found in North America was from Haddonfield.
hot__ice OP t1_iugo79v wrote
It’s pretty much the case. There are posted rules at the parking lots for big brook too they can probably be found on line as well
hot__ice OP t1_iuc7b64 wrote
I found this block of brachiopods in Ocean County. It’s a group of brachiopods called Olneothyris harlani. They dominated the sea floor after the extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period (the one that wiped out the dinosaurs) I will be chiseling out an 80 pound block of these on my YouTube channel so subscribe here so you don’t miss it!!