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alissa2579 t1_iufz1c5 wrote

Wait what? People do this? I usually wait till the day of to get my candy. Some poor kids will be walking away with canned goods if they showed up early


itsaboutpasta t1_iug0m5w wrote

I’ve heard some stores have already cleared out Halloween candy and replaced with Christmas candy. My old tradition was to go on 11/1 for all the discount candy but these days I guess I should have gone a week ago!


frogonmytoe t1_iuga11r wrote

Can confirm. I had to run to Walgreens and the supermarket today and seasonal aisles are 80-90% Christmas and 10-20% discounted Halloween.


JayMonster65 t1_iuhjdrx wrote

This is a "tradition" that ended long ago for just about any holiday. The sale is usually now a week (sometimes 2) ahead of the event so that they have nothing left.

Trying to buy candy even the week before is a crap shoot, because they are already sold out of some of the food stuff and all you have left is the junk nobody wants.

There is no cheap chocolate on sale for Halloween, same goes for the old joke of waiting until the day after Valentine's Day to get the candy at half off, or buying wrapping paper after Christmas. It just isn't a thing any more because of computerized inventory systems. They estimate how much they would sell and seemingly would rather run out early than be stuck with some extra that they have to put on sale.


SMODomite t1_iuhhfs2 wrote

Happened last year, ran out of candy, went to get more on Halloween, ended up giving out reeses christmas bells.


simplyxstatic t1_iugnx5k wrote

We tried to go to target on Saturday to grab some decorations for a party that night. It was already gone and replaced with Christmas decorations!!!


DrWumbo t1_iuhu8tj wrote

I went to 4 stores yesterday, until I caved and went to Costco who had *some* candy left (mostly king size bars and the jelly-type stuff). Kids in my neighborhood are lucky I procrastinated.


storm2k t1_iujcoyz wrote

the north planfield costco still had the big bags of chocolate miniatures on friday, but i'm sure those went fast.


jarrettbrown t1_iuj05hn wrote

I can confirm. My store manager at Stop and Shop was setting up Christmas candy yesterday, so I assume that the markdowns are coming


PawneeGoddess20 t1_iuj945z wrote

Yeah everything goes early now. I buy school supplies in July because by august stores like target are already trying to push out back to school in favor of Halloween. As a consumer, it’s so annoying.


storm2k t1_iujctzf wrote

which is frustrating, because teachers don't usually send the lists of needed supplies until maybe the last week of august. at least staples still exists and is always stocked up on school supplies all thru september.


storm2k t1_iujcis0 wrote

went to target on friday night to try to get a few decorations and they have basically emptied the store of halloween items and it's all christmas all the time across the store. welcome to the new reality. i'm glad i had bought candy weeks ago.


Good-Pop7582 t1_iug0gk9 wrote

I was thinking the same. I have to go out tomorrow. Today I'd be handing out soup or beans. Their expression would be priceless. Still better than the people who gave out boxes of raisins when I was a kid.


guacamole579 t1_iui17zm wrote

My kids would love the beans. Haha! Baked, refried, black, pinto. They would look at you strangely but then ask if we can have it for dinner.


NJBillK1 t1_iughgee wrote

Some towns that have Halloween parades will often have the kids go out the night before, since the parade is often on Halloween itself.


Moksha100920 t1_iuhyonz wrote

Can confirm. Took my neice and nephew out on Sunday in Toms River as that is their trick or treat day and they do the parade on Halloween.


liltone829 t1_iuhk3q9 wrote

Nah fuck that bro they walking away with nothing


jpporcaro t1_iui581v wrote

I came here to make the same comment - this actually happens? People trick of treat on NOT halloween?


jumbledgarbagebrain t1_iuip33e wrote

I remember getting cans of soup from not one, not two, but three houses in Kendall Park in the early 2000’s lol.