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ace2daMAX1993 t1_iug0zaa wrote

Toms River lol


kjb9898 t1_iug4qk6 wrote

TR here and the Halloween parade is something like the 4th biggest/oldest inn the country so they've always done trick or treating the night before. I've only been to three parade once and it was enough.


OkBid1535 t1_iuh2qp1 wrote

Dude same! I went to the parade once a few years ago and it was so lame I will never go again. Just cop cars and fire trucks and poorly designed floats. Maybe I went a bad year? I haven’t cared to find out honestly


jarrettbrown t1_iuj1p7q wrote

According the the website, it's the second largest. The largest goes to the Village of course.


kjb9898 t1_iuj3cq4 wrote

Funny, when I looked it up about 10 years ago, it was the 4th. But on the news this morning I also heard it was the 2nd . I'm guessing two towns decided that a Halloween parade is stupid.