Submitted by ophidiophobia_py_dev t3_y5k23i in newjersey
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_isk1ern wrote
Right above Waterloo village and road over looking Stephens park from allamuchy north
PlumbCrazyRefer t1_isk389l wrote
The roads are packed in Sussex county with leaf peeper’s
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_isk3ylv wrote
This is the link from Google if you wanted to check it out for yourself or see a birdseye view
Highlands Trail Overlook
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_isk4658 wrote
I tried last weekend to go out for a ride but there was an event for hikers
Desperate_Ambrose t1_isk9hzp wrote
BENNYs go home!
fpfx t1_iskwp7c wrote
mudclog t1_iskxd29 wrote
Shhh dont let them know
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_iskxjlk wrote
Downvoted me lol
Dick_Demon t1_iskz5f8 wrote
What's the deal with this subreddit being all inclusive and welcoming to people who ask about the lifestyle because they think of moving here... Yet, when an actually nice area is pointed out, NJ redditors get their panties in a bunch because it was mentioned in a public forum. The fuck?
veni_vedi_vinnie t1_iskzkdt wrote
Sweet sweet turnpike dollars
i8mygoldfish t1_isl1nin wrote
I know that spot well! It's a hidden gem of sorts.
potatochipsfox t1_isl9otq wrote
Oh, I know this one!
A subreddit with near half a million subscribers isn't, it turns out, a hivemind. Also, "shh stop telling people how nice it is" is usually a joke.
mudclog t1_islaa7h wrote
Because its nice to have a quiet hiking spot that isn't swamped with out of towners all the time
Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_isld59n wrote
Its a part of a conservation movement in reference to the saying "leave no trail behind" its evolved to include digital trails as well. I'm actually kinda in favor of it as the more tourists in a natural the more garbage there tends to be, more pollution, and the general wildlife gets more disturbed. Stairway to heaven used to be empty years ago during peak foliage season, if you drive there any weekend this time of year now it's swarmed by people in line taking photos for their Instagram. There's overall nothing wrong with sharing spots or trails but social media like reddit and insta have exacerbated it and caused a lot of damage to natural areas. I like to have some spaces left in jersey that are still preserved and have some semblance of serenity left.
SyndicalistCPA t1_isletv5 wrote
Do you think there are not better spots in Upstate NY than there are in Jersey?
Mysticpoisen t1_islgnwz wrote
There are, but our's are way closer.
Dick_Demon t1_isljneo wrote
If your hiking spots aren't within the bounds of your neighborhood, YOU'RE the out of towner.
css01 t1_islpevc wrote
I went to Stokes today. I was surprised how few people I saw. Feel like if I drove farther north, up to the 'gunks, it would have been crazy.
mudclog t1_islpm7c wrote
Check my flair lol
GrizzlybearNo1 t1_islsf5d wrote
Yesterday driving into New Jersey on I78 traffic came to a slow crawl. One daughter asked “what’s the slow down?” Other daughter responded “it’s New Jersey border patrol looking for out of staters trying to sneak in”
ReverseMermaidMorty t1_islvyfi wrote
You guys really need to get out of the state more this is honestly pretty bland and boring…
Like if you think this is cool literally anywhere in New England or out West would blow your minds.
Marshall_Lawson t1_islwgw1 wrote
Packed with broken leaf peepers on a last chance scenic drive?
Lindstronical t1_islxqda wrote
I agree with you! I just hiked the White Mountains, last week - now THAT is beautiful.
poland626 t1_islxz8c wrote
Thank you! I'm in Parsippany and need new things to explore/do and this is just PERFECT. Thank you. Anything I should know beforehand? I'm just a solo person
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_islyp6e wrote
Join a group, try wildcat, tourne, or pyramid mountain they're closer
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_islz4s8 wrote
I grew up on the high side are you a lifer or new to par? I'm out west but intend to move back to LH in the spring.
poland626 t1_islzbkn wrote
new but I've been here nearly 10 years at this point. I'm from old brige originally but I'm in LH now.
I'll try one of those groups you suggested, thanks!
the_full_effect t1_ism05rp wrote
Serious question - is this supposed to just be a “look at the pretty foliage” pic or am I missing something else?
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_ism0ksf wrote
I left about 6 years ago I'm excited to be coming back I know ppl post on the NJ hiking sub but there are groups on meetup. If you're new to hiking get good shoes a comfortable bag and a Pocket first aid kit. Always tick check doesn't matter if it's winter anymore you need to do it and get soap for poison ivy. When I lived in par I would also go to Ringwood and ramapo, ramapo is great from the bottom lot to check out ruins but the top lot is faster. Also there are great trails off 9f Clinton rd, west of Clinton rd is waywayanda which is also great. You're in the middle where nothing is too far
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_ism0zgo wrote
I'm colorblind I don't know if there is much foliage it's just a great view and as you can tell by the wearhouses it's near civilization. Only 10 minutes from the best ice cream in the state
EastCoastMountaineer t1_ism1v0n wrote
Fuck that. Stop gatekeeping. Everyone is welcome in New Jersey, its a great state and freedom of movement is something foundational to this country.
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_ism1zyn wrote
It's actually not a foundation of this country
jmur89 t1_ism2bax wrote
Yeah, it's definitely a problem. But I find that you can escape most of the madness if you just put miles and elevations under your boots. Most visitors to venture out too far.
lukeannie176 t1_ism3bap wrote
That's for sure. When I was coming back home to sussex County from my mom's house on the shore. Rt 15 south was a parking lot.
Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ism43mn wrote
Elevation I would agree with most places, but most of NJ is below sea level and many already visit places like highpoint so a great deal of the state is "accessible" to a degree.
jmur89 t1_ism4h6g wrote
I gotcha. No individual spot is safe, for sure. But if you find a hike with more than 2,000 feet of gain, it typically contains a fair bit of solitude as well.
Golden_Gooner t1_isma7b5 wrote
What’s the best ice cream? Please share.
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_ismbtce wrote
das creamery I'll die on this hill
undertoe74 t1_ismfpnx wrote
There is so many out of state plates!Its people traveling south and north with this weather.There’s so many more Photographers and people on vacation visiting Jersey than I have ever seen this time of year
Strung_Out_Advocate t1_ismgfe5 wrote
I'm told Cliff's in Ledgewood. Never been myself, can anyone vouch?
Pulse_fang t1_ismie21 wrote
It's weird that people have a hard on for trees starting to hibernate.
Liveslowdieslower t1_ismlf4c wrote
Driving through Vernon was insufferable today. Super packed with city dwellers. Same thing up in Warwick, NY.
crushworthyxo t1_ismp1z7 wrote
Been to Cliff’s once. Drove from Denville for a little adventure. Waited in a 45 minute line and the first two flavors I wanted were sold out so had to go with my third pick. Tbh wasn’t impressed. Denville Dairy is better in my opinion.
Sensitive-Jelly8116 t1_ismp5xr wrote
Yes it's amazing
Sensitive-Jelly8116 t1_ismpq3e wrote
I hear you .... went to run a quick home depot trip from Franklin, trees were stunning but...... gas peddle people
theoneace t1_ismur37 wrote
Need this on a billboard on 95, 78, 80 and 440
theoneace t1_ismuvx4 wrote
I’m sorry to hear you are color blind but yes it’s a vibrant photo displaying the changing of the leaves to that beautiful fall look. I also now have to check out your ice cream recommendation
Digitalpheer t1_ismzedt wrote
I was going to shoprite to pick up some snacks and there was an abnormal amount of people out today. 5 minute drive turned into 15 both ways
2cupscornstarch t1_ismzn7i wrote
Lol I’ve been all around and I always find some comparison to Jersey, for such a small state we have a lot of diversity in our landscape (even if our “mountains” and “lakes” aren’t quite comparable). I think a lot of it has to do with how ugly the state can be as well lol.
Digitalpheer t1_isn06bj wrote
Cliffs is super overrated, only good menu option is a super thick strawberry shake. Taylor's in chester is only good when the whole town isn't there. I stopped going to parlors and found some good store bought. Try Hudsonville if you can find it
Intelligent_Ear_4004 t1_isn4n7t wrote
I bought my partner a pair of sunglasses that “correct” color blindness. It was an experience to watch him the first time.
A few months later, thishappened. If you’re in Sussex county, check it out!
superdead t1_isngbrf wrote
Then the tourists need to learn to fucking drive for starters.
[deleted] t1_isnn4ga wrote
EastCoastMountaineer t1_isnnbvd wrote
Article IV, Section 2 of the US Constitution states:
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_isns8io wrote
I try to not expose myself to niceties told my wife never to get me those. My perspective is what it is one day if they do something to correct it permanently I'll consider that but temporary corrections just show me what I'm missing out on
ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_isnsg8c wrote
Das is soooooo good, been going since we moved to the area. They had a best of Morris county and they Handley beat out cliffs and in denville dairy
Pancakebooty t1_iso41st wrote
What is stay away nj?
crushworthyxo t1_isoka3q wrote
I’ll keep a look out for it. Another one that my bf and I have found recently and is delicious is Tillamook. We get it at Wegmans.
BloodRedeemed t1_isk0sl7 wrote
I’m assuming that should be a lake/pond/whatever. Where is this?