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thebruns t1_is6fqg8 wrote

Sounds like theyre too lazy to do their job.


coma24 t1_is6gwe9 wrote

Or, there's a process that's followed and if the victim doesn't want to press charges (ie, wouldn't want to file a police report, or show up in court), then they drop it knowing they won't be able to get a conviction without the victim's support. But sure, let's just go with "they're lazy."


thebruns t1_is6h4hx wrote

> they won't be able to get a conviction without the victim's support

Its on camera. Youre telling me a jury would be shown the video and say thats fine?


coma24 t1_is6p0w0 wrote

That's irrelevant as the case would not be brought to trial without the support of the victim afaik. It's ok, we can disagree.


Top-Crazy1731 t1_is8n137 wrote

It's harassment not the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. It would be heard in municipal court by a judge not a jury. It's considered a disorderly persons offense. The victim is the only one who can sign the complaint for a dp unless it is witnessed by the officer except in domestic violence situations.


thebruns t1_is8qjpv wrote

> unless it is witnessed by the officer

Show the video to the officer.


GitEmSteveDave t1_is71drr wrote

Think how hard a court case is when one side of it refuses to cooperate? It's why so many domestic violence cases fall through.


thebruns t1_is730fu wrote

I guess I can start murdering people left and right because if theyre dead they cant cooperate and it will make the job harder for the cops