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Snownel t1_ir8bvpz wrote

Take what you'd spend in a month on rent and just visit, man. Don't move to a state you obviously don't like.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_ir8fzpx wrote

well ive never lived their i personally dont care, heck anywhere is better where im at now. at this point in my life im wondering if the hustle and bustle of the city is really worth it. i thought i could find a place in NJ that has that suburb laid back atmosphere thats next to NYC. make the money in NYC then enjoy it in NJ.


Snownel t1_ir8h1ey wrote

Yeah... you and half of NYC.

If you don't have a job lined up in NYC don't just yolo a move to a very high cost of living state just because it's close to a big city. The NJ-to-NYC commute is not for the faint of heart and shits gonna be expensive around any big city, but NYC metro is one of the worst because of its geography.