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rroowwannn t1_itdo4wg wrote

They're called gnats or midges. They don't bite, they're more or less harmless to plants, they're entirely normal, there's barely any reason to swat them and even less reason to treat for them. The only way they can affect you at all is if you walk through a swarm and they get in your mouth and nose. Aphids munch on living plants directly, these guys usually don't.

They feed on dead plant matter on the very top of the soil, where grass will shelter them from the sun and wind, where we don't see em. They come up in a swarm only for mating purposes. Usually around sunset, but not always. Sunset is also when its easiest to spot them because of the angle of the light.

I have no idea why you haven't seen em before.


mcgeggy t1_itdwo22 wrote

Yeah, they’re everywhere this time of year, especially in rural areas. Fun riding through clouds of them on my bicycle rides…


Ilovepizza713 t1_itdirz7 wrote

Same in my backyard


[deleted] OP t1_itdiuva wrote



Ilovepizza713 t1_itdix96 wrote

No idea, and insect spray doesn’t get rid of them


[deleted] OP t1_itdizap wrote



Ilovepizza713 t1_itdj5y8 wrote

Yeah like you can barely see them except with the right light and the right background then it looks like there’s thousands of them.

I noticed them in late spring, and then when I’m walking my dog in some places they were around most of the summer


Unknown_Species666 t1_itdjorl wrote

Take a few pictures and post them


[deleted] OP t1_itdjrbk wrote



Unknown_Species666 t1_itdlcb4 wrote

Look. Take a pic and make sure it’s good quality. Meaning very steady. Then zoom in on the picture you took and crop it. There you’ll have it.


nm1043 t1_itdvgmd wrote

So I'm not op, but this is similar to asking someone to take a picture of gnats flying around using their phone, only these are smaller than gnats, so you'd just have a picture of whatever is in the background I would think


ElderberryExternal99 t1_itdj8l8 wrote

Its not you. I them in front of my property and backyard. Never seen so many before.


TheAdamist t1_itebhwn wrote

A few weeks ago, after the drought and we got pounded by rain for almost a week, then the rain ended and they appeared. they were way worse, it was insane. Walking down the street youd inhale some.

Gnats/midges as people say.