vakr001 t1_itg3920 wrote
Also know your rights! It is perfectly legal for your vote to be contested. If that happens, you should ask for an affidavit to sign. Once signed you can cast your vote. Do not cast a provisional ballot. If they don’t supply an affidavit then the contested actions ends
214ObstructedReverie t1_itgfojr wrote
The RNC, back at its old dirty anti democracy tricks again.
aden_feifdom t1_itgrccu wrote
how would someone contest your vote?
ElBomberoLoco t1_itgrghk wrote
This is good information.
My vote wasn't contested....but I had to call the county board of elections one time because my polling place was at a church and they put up anti-abortion posters all over the front of the building.
When I told them they weren't allowed to do that at a polling place....a very angry man started telling me they could do whatever they want. So I took pictures and contacted the elections board as well as the ACLU.
It was actually interesting to see the process. Both agencies were helpful and kept me in the loop as the process unfolded. I was surprised to hear that it went all the way up to the state attorney general.
Of course, at the time...Chris Christie was governor and the State AG was a he initially refused to take any action. But somebody kept pressing the matter and the church was told that it was absolutely not permitted to do that. By the next election cycle, they were removed as a polling place and another location was assigned.
vakr001 t1_itgsopz wrote
IndigoBluePC901 t1_itiggd2 wrote
Ids cost money. Poor people get to vote too.
Larbear06 t1_itihfyx wrote
Identification is free
IndigoBluePC901 t1_itisf8n wrote
Where is it free? Dmv costs money. Even a non drivers cost money, time, and energy to get. The point is that is it the least restrictive for everyone.
vakr001 t1_itiukjl wrote
Yeah. That is ridiculous. Glad they took them down.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_itj8tsj wrote
I’ll just wear a MAGA hat as I vote D all the way down.
Realistic_Chipmunk46 t1_itkowe3 wrote
Just like the Covid vaccine. That’s provided for free, citizen or not, why not ID for citizens?
[deleted] t1_iteogmg wrote