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burrito__supreme t1_ixq7syw wrote

in my area of jc i could see this going for $2600-$3k easily. and i don’t live downtown. so tack on at least another $1k for downtown.


Zaiik OP t1_ixqc72o wrote

is greenville considered downtown?


taboni t1_ixqee4h wrote

No IMO downtown is Paulus hook/Hamilton Park and the area around Van Vorst Park (not sure of the “official” boundary though). Greenville is the south of JC right before you go into Bayonne.


Zaiik OP t1_ixqelor wrote

will 3.2k fair for all those amenities and 3 bedrooms for greenville? it is also like 3 minutes away from train station


burrito__supreme t1_ixqp1go wrote

what train station? what are you looking for in a neighborhood? greenville wouldn’t be my first choice. there are much better areas of jc.


Zaiik OP t1_ixrrk68 wrote

it’s the light rail


burrito__supreme t1_ixqoxth wrote

no, it’s probably the least transit friendly area of JC. quite far from the PATH which means you’ll rely heavily on local buses (has its pros and cons). it’s also, in some areas, plagued by gun violence. depending on what you want in a neighborhood it’s not my first choice when picking a place to live in jc.


Zaiik OP t1_ixrrheu wrote

so the 3.2k is expensive?


burrito__supreme t1_ixs55kn wrote

again, it really depends on what your needs and preferences are. i wouldn’t live in greenville if you paid me but that’s just me.


taboni t1_ixw2zwn wrote

My grandparents lived in Greenville (Wade St) back in the 50s and 60s. I think that’s the last era I can think of that when was a desirable JC neighborhood