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reboot27 t1_j210jh5 wrote

Still in shock! And no notification of the increase has been provided. Btw, my provider is NJNG, Monmouth county.


WeCanDoThisCNJ t1_j213p0j wrote

BEFORE this cold snap my gas bill was $190. I’m going to get hosed when I pay at the end of January. But, the warnings about natural gas prices rising have been in the news for months. I expected this.


stickman07738 t1_j217vx8 wrote

My bill changes once per year - I am on the budget plan (same payment every month) and it has changed only +/- $20 over the years.


6Emptybottles t1_j21lftr wrote

Its been on the news for months. Especially when gasoline skyrocketed and Ukraine got attacked, natural gas was going to get expensive. PSEG sent out the conservation alert Saturday because the grid was so stressed the natural gas supply was being limited. This bill could be the lowest bill we might get for the foreseeable future.


Wouhob t1_j21lz0w wrote

Yupp. Approved in September by NJ BPU. 30% increase appx. Was at .49 per thermal now about .73 per thermal.


EXIT_SUCCESS t1_j221m9o wrote

Go. On. The. BUDGET. PLAN... see your bill/acct for steps to sign up.


the_chizness t1_j22oe1l wrote

Mine are much higher after Nj allowed Utility price increases back in September


Wouhob t1_j23ell7 wrote

Yeah, but we are talking about natural gas prices noting about home heating oil. I have no use for #2 fuel oil.

1 thermal is 100,000 btu, fuel oil has 130,000 BTU or so per gallon. Fuel oil punches a little more punch pound for pound. Generators get derated with the same block running on natural gas compared to fuel oil.


ansky201 t1_j23q8dk wrote

It's actually called the equal payment plan and it doesn't save you any money. It just spreads out the cost over the course of the full year. You're paying the same rates as everyone else. A lot of my neighbors use this plan and they get underbilled. I have seen people complain of "adjustments" over $1000 in some cases.


stickman07738 t1_j23xjxy wrote

Never, for 19 years as I stated the most was plus or minus ~$100. On your bill, there is a line item for Equal Payment Plan, currently (November bill) for electric I have a credit of $233 (JCPL) and gas a credit of $28.60 (NJNG). I have a 2600 sq. ft home with an in-ground pool and two adults.


Practical_Argument50 t1_j25byhh wrote

Another thing to consider. Fuel oil is priced with delivery included. The .49 - .73 is just the cost for the fuel. Distribution plus other fees brings my cost to about $1.72 a therm. That is the number that should be used to compare to Heating oil or Propane. What would be interesting would be the cost comparison for electric heating.