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R-code t1_j34z3za wrote

I respectfully submit every “delayed green” sign in this state… I will go when it turns green, I don’t care it it’s early, on time, late, delayed… just let me know when it’s green (and the shitheads in BMWs and Dodge Rams are done running the red three seconds after it changed) and then I’ll go.

Most useless sign ever.


myothercarisaboson t1_j358uzv wrote

Haha thank you! Those signs shit me, half because of how obvious it is, half because apparently it is necessary to remind people that they need to wait until their light turns green.


ApplianceHealer t1_j36uqm9 wrote

I’ve seen at least one the reads “Delayed Green — WAIT” That town’s highway dept knew their audience.

And the occasional stop sign with the added statement “Opposing traffic does not stop”