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LadyBug_0570 t1_j69tlu0 wrote


When I first got mine, he hid under my bed. Including the whole next day when I had to go into the office and leave him alone (I felt horrible about that and wanted to cry and leave the office early, but they wouldn't let me). I finally got him out once I came home with some more food.

The next day (Saturday) he hid under every thing he could hide under. But as a single woman with no kids or prior pets... not everything had been cleaned for a while prior to that. So I'd go, move the object hid under, swept and mopped it.

Did he go back to that freshly clean place? No. He went under something else that I realized hadn't been cleaned in 100 years. So I'd go, sweep/vaccuum and mop. He'd find somewhere else.

About halfway through thoroughly giving my place a good cleaning, it occurred to me the lil asshole was not only doing this on purpose... I think this was his way of critisizing my housekeeping skills. Because once everything was all clean... he sat next to me.

Well played, you lil asshole. Well played.


Zhuul t1_j6a3itr wrote

Real talk, my apartment's cleaner than it's been in years


LadyBug_0570 t1_j6a5bx0 wrote

Sometimes I think he's still giving me the side-eye on my housekeeping.