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SomethingDumbthing20 t1_j9pxcoe wrote

And let me guess, none of the politicians that received the illicit funds will be charged with anything?


LystAP t1_j9q1e1y wrote

Technically not illegal to receive the funds as long as there is 'plausible deniability', I believe; otherwise, politicians would have been charged for this kind of activity a long time ago.

FTX is only the latest grift, but this has been going on for a long time. And neither side is going to truly fix it, because they're all crooks.


SomethingDumbthing20 t1_j9q54tr wrote

You are definitely correct. I do find it funny that many businesses and banks have to verify and prove funds received were not illicit, but politicians don't.


spatenfloot OP t1_j9q288d wrote

They will probably even keep the money


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_j9rj290 wrote

The new FTX management has already sent claw back letters to get the political donations returned. Some will presumably be returned within a few months but there is a good chance that the bankruptcy court will need take action to get most of the money back. The vast majority of the money will eventually be returned but it could take years.