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[deleted] t1_j9x6nls wrote


Veratha t1_j9xktmn wrote

It's easy to go on the internet and lie, isn't it?

A) the studies in question followed up with trans people regardless of if they revisited their doctors offices, they reached out to people who had received HRT and found that <6% detransition and the majority of those detransition for financial reasons or social pressure.

B) There are no peer-reviewed studies supporting your 80% figure. The vast majority of studies done in that field show similar results to those previously mentioned.

C) No doctors are just handing out puberty blockers. There is a long process behind getting puberty blockers and an even longer one behind getting actual HRT, backed by decades of medical science.

D) Puberty blockers have been historically used (correct) but they were not considered dangerous to mental or physical health. Also, chemical castration like Alan Turing received was done through HRT, not puberty blockers. They are different things. Giving puberty blockers to an adult would be pointless.

E) Related to point C, teenagers aren't "becoming trans" due to social pressure. It is extensive work to be prescribed puberty blockers or HRT. At worst, children may feel it "trendy" to try different pronouns, which doesn't harm anyone and gender exploration is a normal part of childhood. They aren't going out and getting HRT nor are doctors dealing it out that easily.

F) The science in this field is incredibly well established and researched, just because you don't like the results of that research doesn't mean they don't exist. The standards of care for trans youth established by the AMA and similar organizations stand on the back of decades of research, including follow up studies with thousands of participants.

As a final, personal side note: no one believes this fake concern you're presenting here. If you actually gave a shit about trans youth you would understand the reasons why the standards of care currently in use have come to exist. Presenting false concerns allows you to play the "concerned citizen" when you are actually using it as a method to misinform others on the reality of the situation as a method of advancing your personal beliefs.


Sea_Swan_2767 t1_j9xuv86 wrote

Thank you for this rebuttal

ETA: what is so insidious about this “false concern” kind of tone, look at how they started out - something totally reasonable, “not everyone follows up with their doctor when they change their mind”. That is a statement that resonates with everyone who’s skipped reporting back to their doctor. Then they slowly build from that element of “well, that makes sense” and head off into hate land. It’s tricky and I appreciate people who take the time to bust it down!


Sea-Acanthisitta-316 t1_j9y4gmg wrote

You have to look at aggregates of studies. You can find the one off studies that say crazy shit like 80% of people detransition in the same way you can find actual scientific papers that "prove" climate change isn't real. That's why it's important to look at more than one study and not cherry pick the studies that further ones particular political argument. The study you are referring to has been debunked as having very sketchy methodology and conclusions. The vast majority of studies find the complete opposite of that one study, but fox news will pick that one and ignore the rest, so that people can say "hey, my opinion is backed by research" 🙃

Here's a literature review of 27 "regret"/"detransition" studies that find the detrans rate exceptionally low, because no one has the time to read through 27 separate studies. Lol.