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Impossible_PhD t1_j9vzrjt wrote

Okay, so, I'm pretty sure that Kaiser Permanente is saying that Chloe Cole is straight-up lying. Like 90+% confidence.

KP said in their statement that their treatments "meet all medical standards." Given that Chloe Cole is 18 now, that means that we're talking 5 years ago at the earliest, and that means she was treated under WPATH Standards of Care Version 7. WPATH sets worldwide treatment guidelines for trans people of all ages; unless KP is flatly lying in their statement, their treatment must have conformed to WPATH SoC7. SoC8 is up now, and its guidelines are different, but that only came out in September of 2022, long after Cole had become an anti-trans activist.

So, what does WPATH SoC7 say about when kids should be treated, and in what way?

  • "Two goals justify intervention with puberty suppressing hormones: (i) their use gives adolescents more time to explore their gender nonconformity and other developmental issues; and (ii) their use may facilitate transition by preventing the development of sex characteristics that are difficult or impossible to reverse if adolescents continue on to pursue sex reassignment. Puberty suppression may continue for a few years, at which time a decision is made to either discontinue all hormone therapy or transition to a feminizing/masculinizing hormone regimen. Pubertal suppression does not inevitably lead to social transition or to sex reassignment."
  • In other words, SoC7 emphasized puberty blockers, with the aim of stopping puberty until a teen was old enough to make long-term, abstract decisions on their own. At that point, they would be eligible for HRT. Blockers were (and still are) almost always used to delay until a teen was 15-16 before any further medical intervention.
  • "Adolescents may be eligible to begin feminizing/masculinizing hormone therapy, preferably with parental consent. In many countries, 16-year-olds are legal adults for medical decision-making and do not require parental consent. Ideally, treatment decisions should be made among the adolescent, the family, and the treatment team."
  • In other words, SoC7 emphasized making a decision on HRT between a patient, their parents, and the care team. Any one of the three could veto it.
  • "Genital surgery should not be carried out until (i) patients reach the legal age of majority in a given country, and (ii) patients have lived continuously for at least 12 months in the gender role that is congruent with their gender identity. The age threshold should be seen as a minimum criterion and not an indication in and of itself for active intervention. Chest surgery in FtM patients could be carried out earlier, preferably after ample time of living in the desired gender role and after one year of testosterone treatment. The intent of this suggested sequence is to give adolescents sufficient opportunity to experience and socially adjust in a more masculine gender role, before undergoing irreversible surgery."
  • In other words, only rarely should transmasculine top surgery occur before the age of majority, and only after "ample time" living as their gender. Moreover, this was the only surgery WPATH SoC7 said should ever happen on a minor.
  • For BOTH HRT and transmasculine top surgery, SoC7 REQUIRES the "Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment."
  • In other words, a care team cannot offer either treatment under SoC7 until and unless a child can make informed consent. HRT first, then top surgery.

It is not possible for Chloe Cole to have met these standards and begun testosterone at 13.

KP is bound by HIPAA. If she's lying, they can't just say "No, she started testosterone at [age]" outside of a courtroom. Either KP is lying in saying that Chloe Cole was treated under standard of care or Chloe Cole is lying. Given the press tour Cole has been on for over a year now, I know which I would suspect to be true.

Mark my words: I'll bet just about anything Cole withdraws the lawsuit a few days before it moves to discovery.


AffectionateAd1446 t1_j9wf487 wrote

Some angry detrans people make a lot of dubious and straight up bullshit claims about their treatment. Anyone who's trans and been through the trans healthcare system knows they're full of shit but ignorant bigots eat this kind of stuff up and vote for hateful politicians that restrict the rights of one of the most vulnerable populations.


axonxorz t1_j9wukiq wrote

We've got one in Canada in the same vein in the past few days. Oh man does the timing of people coming out of the smoke to criticize their own care seem suspect, given the political climate south of us.

And you're right about bigots, they're always completely incapable of parsing their own frequency bias. For each person like Cole, there tens of thousands of people who enjoy their gender-affirming care. But yes, let's focus on a random person's grievance.


Jenetyk t1_j9wuvg1 wrote

Thank you. I needed this actual breakdown of treatments according to the current, or current at the time WPATH. Wish I spent money here or I would award you.

And yes, your assumption about withdrawals right before discovery definitely tracks. One of those rare instances where HIPPA really allows a lie to continue until legally it has to be disclosed.


Impossible_PhD t1_j9wwkjl wrote

No worries! Breaking this stuff down is kinda my thing. I like to put my technical writing degree to useful work from time to time. 😉


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j9ywkln wrote

I'm confused.

Did she get surgery done when she was only 13? Is that allowed by the rules or not?

>transgender surgery performed on her when she was 13.


Impossible_PhD t1_j9z06hf wrote

I have literally never heard of a substantiated case where a trans kid has gotten an operation that young. She's claiming they started testosterone at 13 and operated at 15, which would still be the youngest ages I've ever heard of. Only rarely are transmasculine kids able to get top surgery before they're 18, and usually only then when they're 17 or older. I've heard of like two cases, personally, of surgery at 16, so what we're talking about here is rare as hen's teeth.

The odds against things happening as Cole claims are kind of astronomical, and there should be a whole series of rails in place to keep hesitant patients from getting these sorts of surgeries. Cis people have this absurd idea that we can just pop in on any doctor for an operation whenever we want, and the reality is just absurdly far from that.


DazedinDenver t1_ja0643f wrote

Betting that "surgery" was a just a time-release hormone suppressor implant. "GnRH analogue treatments for children are prescribed, administered and monitored by a pediatric endocrinologist. The medication is typically given as injections, either monthly or every three months, or through an implant placed under the skin of the upper arm. The implant typically needs to be replaced every 12 months." From


tehzayay t1_j9yughm wrote

Explain how anything you said supports the bolded statement? It seems perfectly reasonable based on those guidelines that a misguided 13 year old could start HRT, they just say it's an edge case.


Impossible_PhD t1_j9yvq8x wrote

Visible confusion

The... The last two bullet points? Did you not read them? Kids can't give independent informed consent, and SoC7 requires it. Generally speaking, and every person is different, it's not until around 16 that a person develops that ability, though occasionally they'll twig it at 15.

It's a question of brain development. This stuff is really well-settled in psychology, medicine, and law.


[deleted] t1_j9yx3xk wrote



Impossible_PhD t1_j9yzdtg wrote

Okay, first of all, I did no such thing. I am just stunned at your audacity.

Second of all, WPATH Standards of Care don't exist in a vacuum. They have to conform and respond to all pediatric standards of care as well, and if a person was treated as you suggest, they would not have been treated under standard of care, and KP would be lying.

I will not be responding to you further, given your behavior.


Shooeytv t1_j9yhp2m wrote

WPATH SoC7 is a disgusting set of standards


Impossible_PhD t1_j9yj084 wrote

I mean, I agree, but I'm pretty sure not in the direction you meant.

Find someone else to troll, or go spread your pro-Russian propaganda somewhere else. It's pretty easy to see what kind of person you are from your profile.


chetchaka t1_j9yivk6 wrote

? Why so? They seem relatively reasonable from what I'm seeing.


MajesticOuting t1_j9ve81w wrote

Isn't that the noted conservative anti-transgender activist?


Impossible_PhD t1_j9vu90v wrote

Yeah, and IIRC, she's been caught making up stuff about all this quite a few times. It would not surprise me in the least if it turns out that she and her lawyers are bending the truth at best, and that this lawsuit isn't something they particularly care about winning--it's ammunition as part of the larger right-wing anti-trans push. Like, I can't say for sure that she's lying through her teeth, but for the timeline she claims to have happened is just about unthinkable. Trans adults are only rarely able to get treatment at the rate she claims to have gotten it, and there are so many more rails to slow things down for kids--especially under WPATH SoC7, which she was treated under.

I'm not saying this is bullshit... but I'm saying something smells very off


Karenomegas t1_j9vfzzi wrote

Just read up on her Wiki. What a train wreck. We are going to be seeing them for a long time it looks like. They have been cultivating this for a bit.

Edit: I wonder how much a troll they really are?? Like would they tour with Blair?


sanash t1_j9vgpq4 wrote

There's just way too much money being tossed around so you're going to see all sorts of losers come out of the wood work to get in on the grift.

Candace Owens was probably the first person to successfully get in on the right wing grift machine and became the model for how to pull it off.

It's super easy to do and especially profitable if you fall into a minority group.

This pickme conservative is going to make bank on their grift now that conservatives have ramped up their genocidal trans rhetoric.


masterofshadows t1_j9vrnm2 wrote

You forget ann coulter. That's been her grift for years before Owens.


mtarascio t1_j9warmv wrote

I know it's a problem but it's not super easy.

We're talking handfuls of people that got to this level.

Like Kyle literally had to murder people to get in on the grift.


PeliPal t1_j9vigyt wrote

Transphobes tell us over and over that detransitioning is all over the place, there's hundreds of thousands or millions of detransitioners - and yet they only know about the one or two political operatives circulating on right-wing media. And they can't point to any peer-reviewed study showing detransition due to not actually being transgender (as opposed to detransition because of poverty or discrimination) is more common than being struck by lighting.

Even Joe Rogan had to correct pedophilia-activist Matt Walsh that he had inflated the number of teens on puberty blockers by a hundred times what it actually is. They don't care about facts.


Sheeple_person t1_j9vvlla wrote

You know you're really spewing bullshit when Joe Rogan is fact-checking you.


Cranktique t1_j9w0vfa wrote

Idk, I’ve seen him do it lots. During the whole anti-vax thing he real time fact checked a lot of people. They’d make a claim and he’d tell his dude to look it up and debunk the claims right there. It’s one thing I don’t think he gets enough credit for.


SmokesQuantity t1_j9xfbnb wrote

He should learn to fact check himself


Cranktique t1_j9z1oyt wrote

For real he should. I am not a fan, I find him arrogantly ignorant, but I have a coworker that watches him on YouTube constantly and I have seen him pull fact checks on quite a few people. Was rather surprised.


dostoevsky4evah t1_j9x8ake wrote

Maybe but the fact checking on Matt Walsh was utterly spectacular.


tyler1128 t1_j9w4ppf wrote

Ironically, there's a study posted to /r/science near the top right now that puts the regret rate around 0.3%. That's better than most surgery.


Deskanar t1_j9y0kik wrote

Semi-true: that study is showing people who decide to get their surgery reversed. People express regret at around a 2% rate for gender-confirming surgeries…compared to around 13% for elective surgeries in general, so still way, way better.


tyler1128 t1_j9y5hnc wrote

That is true for this study. There are other studies that show the largest cause of medical regret in gender affirming surgery comes from social pressure as opposed to internally based regret though.


WaterHaven t1_j9vq69p wrote

Depressingly laughed at peer-reviewed study. Anti-education, anti-science people would only double down if they saw something of that nature.


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j9yuwch wrote

>Transphobes tell us over and over that detransitioning is all over the place, there's hundreds of thousands or millions of detransitioners - and yet they only know about the one or two

Well obviously your aren't going to have thousands wanting to go on media tours. If you want to get a better gauge then look at how many are suing in class action lawsuits.

In the UK a large number of suing the NHS, plus the Tavistock clinic which was responsible got closed down as a results and reviews are ongoing.


>The Tavistock gender clinic is facing mass legal action from youngsters who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers.
>Lawyers expect about 1,000 families to join a medical negligence lawsuit alleging vulnerable children have been misdiagnosed and placed on a damaging medical pathway.


PeliPal t1_j9zjtfx wrote

The source is tabloid yellow journalism - no '1,000 families' EVER materialized. The number was a complete lie, you can't google it and find any source actually corroborating a number or names that isn't quoting anonymous 'lawyers'. You only find that The Times article that originated it, and various rightwing and Christian evangelist op-eds repeating it. And the Tavistock clinic was set to be replaced with multiple new gender clinics to handle higher capacity.


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j9zoaez wrote

>The source is tabloid yellow journalism - no '1,000 families' EVER materialized. The number was a complete lie, you can't google it

How many was it then?

>. You only find that The Times article that originated it, and various rightwing and Christian evangelist op-eds repeating it.

It was in left and right wing papers.

>And the Tavistock clinic was set to be replaced with multiple new gender clinics to handle higher capacity.

It feels like you are trying to rewrite history about why it closed. It was closed due to reviews about it's failing. It wasn't just closed to make room for more centres.

The type of treatement and aproach needed to be completely changed.

>Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has been told to shut the clinic by spring after it was criticised in an independent review.
>Instead, new regional centres will be set up to "ensure the holistic needs" of patients are fully met, the NHS said.

Pick whatever left wing paper you want and read their articles on Tavistock.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_j9vs7mm wrote

Yes. Chloe Cole is an absolute train wreck of a person, a Candace Owens style grifter, and has become a major "leader" with the TERFs.

The detransition rate is simply almost nonexistent, most detransitioners retransition after they have more social support, and the amount of barriers in place to prevent even a consenting adult from getting surgery, much less a minor who has even more, to prevent mistakes from happening. Which btw, surgeons basically won't perform full genital reassignment on minors anyways, but "pick me's" like Chloe Cole let everyone point to a single person who had some form of trans care as a minor and use them as the basis to attack and want to outlaw all trans care.


derpwild OP t1_j9vp877 wrote


thejoeface t1_j9x7bio wrote

From that article

> Another example can be seen following her May testimony before Ohio lawmakers: Cole alternates between being unable to answer questions coherently, then responding with apparently rehearsed answers posed by Republican lawmakers.

That’s pretty suspicious


cloudbussin t1_j9vegdo wrote

The fact she’s not also suing her parents tells me all I need to know


Snarky_snek t1_j9w1gr1 wrote

Wouldn't be surprised if it was all planned out. And I thought the doctors were really strict about surgery age requirements regardless of parents approval. Just sounds like things aren't adding up here and if she's lying, that might be why her parents are remaining silent.


cloudbussin t1_j9w4vqi wrote

She’s saying the doctors bullied her parents into consenting which we all know is bull


Faroutman1234 t1_j9w0g2n wrote

This is the latest GOP battle in the Culture War designed to rile up primary voters. There are only a few gender assignment reversals done annually in the whole country. Most patients say surgery has saved their life. Kaiser makes no money on this surgery. Everything is paid from their own internal insurance group.


Sea-Acanthisitta-316 t1_j9vu1ti wrote

It needs to be screamed from the rooftops that the detransition rate is somewhere between 1-5%, according to dozens of reputable studies. To deny all trans teen hormones to spare 5% an incorrect transition is akin to saying "I would rather 95 trans teens commit suicide if it meant 5 cis teens would survive." Or in short, the value of a trans life is valued as 20x less important than a cis life. If a trans life is equal to a cis life, than we should be doing what helps the most (95-99%) amount of people.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_j9vwo6a wrote

And to add, we're talking 1-5% of the 0.5-1% of people who are trans. And most of the detransitioners go on to retransition when they obtained more social or economic support. Full blown "I was never trans at all" detransitioners are so absurdly rare that you're basically hunting unicorns, which is why Chloe Cole rose to such popularity so quickly. She's the unicorn conservatives were hunting for and is willing/wanting to help stop trans care for both minors and adults in order to keep the checks rolling in.


standarduser2 t1_j9ytip2 wrote

Does every person kill themselves without access to hormones?

This seems a bit extreme. But if it's true, certainly we should allow men to take the same hormones that we allow women to take. Seems a bit bigoted that only certain genders are allowed testosterone.


Sea-Acanthisitta-316 t1_j9yuoh4 wrote

"certainly we should allow men to take the same hormones that we allow women to take. Seems a bit bigoted that only certain genders are allowed testosterone"

Amongst the most absurd bad faith arguments I have ever read in my life


[deleted] t1_j9x6nls wrote



Veratha t1_j9xktmn wrote

It's easy to go on the internet and lie, isn't it?

A) the studies in question followed up with trans people regardless of if they revisited their doctors offices, they reached out to people who had received HRT and found that <6% detransition and the majority of those detransition for financial reasons or social pressure.

B) There are no peer-reviewed studies supporting your 80% figure. The vast majority of studies done in that field show similar results to those previously mentioned.

C) No doctors are just handing out puberty blockers. There is a long process behind getting puberty blockers and an even longer one behind getting actual HRT, backed by decades of medical science.

D) Puberty blockers have been historically used (correct) but they were not considered dangerous to mental or physical health. Also, chemical castration like Alan Turing received was done through HRT, not puberty blockers. They are different things. Giving puberty blockers to an adult would be pointless.

E) Related to point C, teenagers aren't "becoming trans" due to social pressure. It is extensive work to be prescribed puberty blockers or HRT. At worst, children may feel it "trendy" to try different pronouns, which doesn't harm anyone and gender exploration is a normal part of childhood. They aren't going out and getting HRT nor are doctors dealing it out that easily.

F) The science in this field is incredibly well established and researched, just because you don't like the results of that research doesn't mean they don't exist. The standards of care for trans youth established by the AMA and similar organizations stand on the back of decades of research, including follow up studies with thousands of participants.

As a final, personal side note: no one believes this fake concern you're presenting here. If you actually gave a shit about trans youth you would understand the reasons why the standards of care currently in use have come to exist. Presenting false concerns allows you to play the "concerned citizen" when you are actually using it as a method to misinform others on the reality of the situation as a method of advancing your personal beliefs.


Sea_Swan_2767 t1_j9xuv86 wrote

Thank you for this rebuttal

ETA: what is so insidious about this “false concern” kind of tone, look at how they started out - something totally reasonable, “not everyone follows up with their doctor when they change their mind”. That is a statement that resonates with everyone who’s skipped reporting back to their doctor. Then they slowly build from that element of “well, that makes sense” and head off into hate land. It’s tricky and I appreciate people who take the time to bust it down!


Sea-Acanthisitta-316 t1_j9y4gmg wrote

You have to look at aggregates of studies. You can find the one off studies that say crazy shit like 80% of people detransition in the same way you can find actual scientific papers that "prove" climate change isn't real. That's why it's important to look at more than one study and not cherry pick the studies that further ones particular political argument. The study you are referring to has been debunked as having very sketchy methodology and conclusions. The vast majority of studies find the complete opposite of that one study, but fox news will pick that one and ignore the rest, so that people can say "hey, my opinion is backed by research" 🙃

Here's a literature review of 27 "regret"/"detransition" studies that find the detrans rate exceptionally low, because no one has the time to read through 27 separate studies. Lol.


Hot-Bint t1_j9vow60 wrote

Harmeet Dhillon now where have I heard that name before? Oh now I remember

Also, as a patient victim of Kaiser in the past, you literally need to threaten a lawsuit to get them to perform surgery on you. And even then most times they will laugh in your face and say “bring it”. For this patient to receive this procedure I am betting the parents hounded the staff to the depths of hell. I would go w/o healthcare if Kaiser was the only choice. So. I know this may sound harsh but…


Tokeli t1_j9wn5pw wrote

As someone with very few choices for health insurance but signed up for the more expensive Kaiser because I heard their transgender health stuff is good specifically to begin getting surgeries, oh boy lmao. :(


thejoeface t1_j9x7r0c wrote

I’m in the process of setting up top surgery with them, I’m just waiting for a date that I can take six weeks off work for recovery. It’s been smooth and relatively quick. My experience has been great so far.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j9vwzl6 wrote

I'm sorry, she's suing the health insurance company because she regrets transitioning? Am I missing something here?


Shit___Taco t1_j9vz464 wrote

Not a Health Insurance company but a company that runs a hospital and healthcare system that she received treatment from. I do believe they offer health insurance plans in California and possibly other areas.


Aoife226 t1_j9wbf3v wrote

Kaiser is both an insurance company and a healthcare system in Washington and other states


Chieyan t1_j9wlils wrote

The current regions are - Washington, Oregon, Southern California, Northern California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Hawaii, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Only California has Kaiser owned hospitals, the other regions contact with hospitals in those areas. Each region is semi autonomous with slight differences in general policies. Although regions are now being paired up with "sister regions", for example Colorado and Washington State are now linked together but somehow are still technically separate. Don't ask I can't figure it out either.

Kaiser is essentially 2 companies. In Colorado for example, the Physicians are in a group called CPMG (Colorado Permanente Medical Group) which is a for-profit company. The public face of Kaiser has non-profit status. The doctors contract with the non-profit side.

Kaiser as a whole isn't the saintly company they pretend to be. They're the the same group that were dumping people off on skid row in California after all. They were forced to leave Texas because of multiple deaths and multiple law suits. Their care is substandard, quite often it's linked to "protocols" that go against what other medical providers consider necessary and reasonable. I can tell you that it is extremely difficult to get proper care, the more expensive the procedure the more Kaiser will do to delay treatment as long as possible. When total knee replacements are considered to be elective there's a problem. Anything that will save them money and get them higher quality ratings (Forbes etc) they'll do without question. Other procedures, unless it's cancer or cardiac issues for example, well good luck.

We have no way of knowing what is in the medical records that are linked to this lawsuit, my guess is she'll stop the proceedings just before discovery or when KP opts to settle as they are extremely protective of their sunshine unicorns and rainbows image.


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j9yvlxe wrote

No that it, I think the main thing was that she was a kid and that the doctor's scared her parents into agreeing, by talking about how she would be more likely to commit suicide if they didn't.


MedicineConscious728 t1_j9x47fi wrote

My son transitioned with the Kaiser Gender Pathways and a a mom, I can say thank goodness for Kaiser.


Bornstray t1_j9zgpyi wrote

any trans person can attest to how fucking hard it is to actually get to the surgery stage of things even if you’ve got the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars depending on the procedure. there’s absolutely no one pushing surgery, you have to fight for it. anyone speaking to the contrary is either disingenuous or delusional.


DayleD t1_ja1p2nq wrote

Her parents "supported her detransition".

Clearly they want to use their child as a political pawn.


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j9yw8qw wrote

I'm not sure I'm happy with kids getting irreversible surgery done to them. I thought the point of puberty blockers was that they could just take them, and then once they are an adult they can get surgery and other hormones.

>transgender surgery performed on her when she was 13.


blade_imaginato1 t1_ja1l6x6 wrote

They want this to go to the supreme court.

It's all intentional


SunsetKittens t1_j9wkna1 wrote

Calling it now: this is going all the way to the Supreme Court.


bonkly68 t1_j9vsrbe wrote

As a background to the entire issue of sex change procedures, I recommend this account from a queer former case manager at a US transgender center.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_j9vti0i wrote

More people are struck by lightning than detransition. There's cases that do happen but the system already has checks in place and erecting even more leads to halting care for people who need it way more than it stops people who don't.


[deleted] t1_j9vu9ns wrote



sanash t1_j9vvfxy wrote

Uhh...people literally regret medical procedures all the time. Virtually every single medical procedure involves some potential amount of harm/risk.

So much in fact that there are literally research studies on it.

I'd venture to guess there are more people as a percentage that regret their knee/hip replacements than there are people that regret their transition.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_j9vvyez wrote

Side effects can occur with every drug prescribed off label. That's why doctors want to be the ones to prescribe them and monitor instead of going back to the days before accepted trans care where trans people, including minors, self medicated or killed themselves. Puberty blockers like Lupron in particular, which is often the extent minors are allowed to even go to until the age of medical privacy and consent, have been studied and widely used for decades with even cisgender kids and found to be overwhelmingly safe.

Again, to erect more barriers to stop fringe cases ultimately limits care for exponentially more people who did need it.


[deleted] t1_j9wbyxl wrote



Brittainthecommie2 t1_j9xr9r1 wrote

Bro, your obsession with being an anti trans hate monger is fucking weird.

You just wake up every day thinking about trans men and women? And then spend the rest of the day hate posting and spreading misinformation. Go take a breath and find a hobby. Damn.


oh_hai_fascists t1_ja17du6 wrote

you mean the person who has no medical expertise but handles processing insurance and that’s it… sure. yeah that would make them an expert.


bonkly68 t1_ja26cv7 wrote

Doing intake with the client and their family and following the entire case from beginning to the end.... I didn't use the word 'expert', which actually does apply here. She didn't say, but sounds like she saw hundreds of cases. If out of two hundred cases she could have reasonably managed (taking a conservative guess - she saw intake calls rise from 10 to 70 per month) a dozen ended badly, would be six percent. That's a large number and numbers don't fully convey suffering of each individual.

It should raise red flags that only a couple of doctors are involved in approving surgery and hormones with life altering consequences, including loss of fertility for woman, and a lifetime of health problems for many, due to the powerful systematic effects of the medicines involved.

Letting kids pull the trigger on these procedures... I don't think you read the article. You don't think anything odd about groups of girls from the same high school suddenly coming in and saying we're actually boys. In my opinion, hormones and surgery don't make them boys any more than plastic surgery made Michael Jackson look white or Mary Tyler Moore look young.

Historically, most people who wanted to be the other or both sexes, just dressed and acted and lived the part.


[deleted] t1_j9vy13c wrote



Cranktique t1_j9w2cfr wrote

“But look what she’s wearing.”

Seriously, fuck this girl and her culture war, but c’mon man. Be better.


epidemicsaints t1_j9w844c wrote

It's not that simple in my opinion. She is obviously not in on this alone, and there seemed to be an effort to present herself as an infantalized child victim at 18 and it's really off putting. If she really had a surgery at 13 that's out of the norm and weird but all the extra grifting on top is a different issue.


[deleted] t1_j9vh7sd wrote



PeliPal t1_j9vhziy wrote

Cisgender teens are allowed breast reduction or removal without the mental healthcare provider authorization that transgender teens are often required to provide.

Puberty blockers are different from hormones, they specifically replace hormones to allow a transgender teen to wait until adulthood to consent to a feminizing or masculinizing puberty of their choice.

This suit is a misleading far-right political operation and not based on any objective judgment of the standards of care for trans teens.


[deleted] t1_j9vis0r wrote



rekniht01 t1_j9vklnu wrote

The ‘many European countries’ thing is a right-wing propaganda talking point that is at best misleading to outright false.

Case in point, the UK NHS service still follows WPATH guidelines. There was a proposed regulation on HRT outside of the NHS. After research, that proposal did not follow through.


Gr8tMutato t1_j9vjpz1 wrote

Which European countries? I'm an American with ILR in the U.K. and have never heard about this. Maybe in eastern Europe, but not any of the "major" European countries.

Also, detransitioning is very uncommon among trans people in general. I could care less about this entire topic, I just don't appreciate "made-up facts".


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_j9vl8hy wrote

Finland, Sweden and the UK. You can read all about the UK's most recent guidelines - see page 16 for the details.


rekniht01 t1_j9vqcgg wrote

Gender-affirming care for minors is still available in all of those countries. Making guidelines DOES NOT equal banning.


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9vslgp wrote

Sweden had a sterilization clause for gender transition until 2013. I'm not exactly sure that's as big a slam dunk as you're pretending.


EvangelineOfSky t1_j9voprb wrote

The UK has one of the worst health systems in Europe.. it's like looking at Venezuela on how to have a thriving economy

The two best healthcare systems in Europe are France and Germany, considered among the best in the world.. what are they doing?


soldforaspaceship t1_j9wkh9v wrote

Those guidelines specifically state that gender affirming care should be provided.

The page you reference also says that hormones will be provided as long as they are enrolled in a long term study. That doesn't preclude them at all.