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Littlebotweak t1_jaday5b wrote

I did read the article. This person seems to be doing this on purpose to test these very systems, so the system will have to adapt, as it always has. I'm not saying that it will be a good or bad outcome, just that there's an adaptation here that isn't unique to this circumstance. We've already seen it and will continue to see it, so it's time to adapt.

I don't know the perfect solution, but I do know that trans here is being used in a lot of ways by a lot of people and if the solution is to make more sections for more genders, then so be it. If there are more than 2 genders in society, then there are more than 2 genders in prison, so it's time to re-imagine imprisonment in a non-binary world.

Or, they get jailed alone. Does that mean more predators will say they're trans once convicted? Maybe, but at a certain point these institutions are going to have to learn to deal with these nuances. Maybe they have some non-violent offenders it's time to let out to make room for people trying to use gender issues to get an easier prison sentence.


lilaprilshowers t1_jae3ey5 wrote

You're right that it's important to have these conversations, but there are also groups out there that don't want to have these conversations. They try to shutdown any criticism of Scotland's gender policy as, "hateful."


[deleted] t1_jae7h1c wrote



Cryonaut555 t1_jae9t8e wrote

Not to mention prisoners of any gender raped by guards and other staff who are usually cis
