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chyko9 t1_j9l1awc wrote

How else do you propose that the identity of the dead are obtained? If we can't trust what the IDF says, because they want to maximize the number of militants killed, and we can't trust Palestinian fundamentalists, because they also want to maximize the number of "martyrs" killed, then we're at an informational bottleneck here. However, I don't think the solution in the face of an over-abundance of caution on identifying the dead is just to revert to calling every single person killed in the raid a "civilian" - that is arguably more disingenuous than going off of potentially false numbers from either side.


Petersaber t1_j9lb3xf wrote

There are third-party sources.

> that is arguably more disingenuous than going off of potentially false numbers from either side.

No. It's better than calling every casuality a "military aged male", or outright "terrorist", which shuts down any investigation.