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NewMud8629 t1_j9alqhw wrote

I’m experienced in dealing with people. If having experience is now considered stupidity then sure. Just because I see something that you don’t go ahead. Lol


lucianbelew t1_j9ar7vt wrote

Well, whether it's stupidity or something else, everyone except you can plainly see the the noun in the headline is {prof. in US} and for some reason you cannot. If it isn't stupidity on your part, what is it?


NewMud8629 t1_j9b0m8a wrote

you said “the” twice in a row. It’s not stupidity on my part it’s experience. I’m a debater. I have argued with hundreds of people on different mediums such as discord, youtube (I’ve made over a thousand comments), amino, and reddit. I know how stupid the average person is and they usually site articles like this when condemning the US for things it’s not even involved in.
