
NewMud8629 t1_j9fovog wrote

Yeah but they shouldn’t enable conspiracy theorists either. They’re by far the most annoying people to argue with, on god. 9/11, any mass shooting, the moon landing, the January riots, etc they all act like it didn’t happen they’re worse than flat earthers. Then you get people who think the US steals other countries resources, orchestrates wars, and coups. They’re starting to blame us for everything.


NewMud8629 t1_j9c4i20 wrote

If he lived in Iran, it would keep the fight between Iran and its dissidents between Iran and its Dissidents. By mentioning he lives in the US it suggests a correlation between the US and the Iranian Regime and therefore a connection between the US and this horrific crime. The suggestion doesn’t have to be intentional.


NewMud8629 t1_j9c22ax wrote

“Pro Iranian Regime prof. In US”. that implies the US is apart of it when it’s not the fact he’s in the US that’s important. While the US already has a bad rap with Human Rights, this post is bait for America haters. Especially the ones who blame the US for every misfortune to befall their country.


NewMud8629 t1_j9b0m8a wrote

you said “the” twice in a row. It’s not stupidity on my part it’s experience. I’m a debater. I have argued with hundreds of people on different mediums such as discord, youtube (I’ve made over a thousand comments), amino, and reddit. I know how stupid the average person is and they usually site articles like this when condemning the US for things it’s not even involved in.


NewMud8629 t1_j9ale0g wrote

That’s the issue. Most people on reddit lack basic reading skills. The US is the noun people will notice and Cover up/genocide is the verb. They won’t care about the professor. They’ll see the US in the topic and automatically assume the US is responsible. Would you like to know how I am aware of this? I’ve already heard every stupid conspiracy theory most morons believe. The proof they provide is articles like these where the US is even slightly mentioned


NewMud8629 t1_j99uoc7 wrote

If I were illiterate I wouldn’t be able to type and read. You’re not paying attention. The fact that the institution involved isn’t named in the title is what upsets me. The emphasis is put on the US. Not the school. It’s called manipulative journalism. It’s when journalists or news article writers leave subtle messages that favor their political interests. By mentioning the US, the writer is conveying a subtle message that the US condoned or was involved with the coverup, as well. So someone who scrolls by this post and doesn’t stop to read the article, will summarize it as a professor in the US covering up a mass murder without any context. The US is the key factor in the title. It also suggests the US favors the regime in its own right.
