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Gaskii t1_ja6mju0 wrote

They were already following the music, I think he just picked up the flute


gozba t1_ja719cg wrote

A very small flute?


LordOfThePinkyRings t1_ja7bqa7 wrote

No, people are saying it’s the best flute, the greatest construction, and played with the most skill ever seen on earth. People come up to me all the time with tears in their eyes, asking if I’ve heard this amazing flute.


Intelligent-Parsley7 t1_ja7ctm7 wrote

Then he plays that flute in a Mickey D’s. And Hannity speaks of the bestiest flute playing since Ron Burgandy in Anchorman.


aynhon t1_jaaf2i5 wrote

"They told me, you know, they said to me, "Here's the pan flute." Folks, I'm telling you, I couldn't believe it. I looked at it, I couldn't believe it. There's the flute; where's the pans? Here's a pan flute with no pans on it! Do I blow it? People, do I rub it? Do I blow it?

So I go and I play the flute, and I tap a finger on it and I blow it and it sounds beautiful. The best, folks. The very best sound. They told me that no one ever played the pan flute like that. Never before, everybody. Special. They called it special. I'm the special pan fluter. What do they say is the sound? Flooting? Not farting! Not farting, folks! That's Slick Willie Dee, am I right? That's Slick Willie Dee farting!!"


clovisx t1_ja7egoq wrote

He has the lips and hands of a piccolo player


gozba t1_ja7fej5 wrote

Maybe he could just master a dog whistle


Mythosaurus t1_ja7lqpf wrote

Exactly, Trump just lived up to decades of conservative propaganda and said the quiet parts out loud.