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thraelen t1_j9qpqox wrote

My husband experiences this all the time. I’ve never heard his dad or brother say anything bad, but when I’m not around, he comes home and tells me all the terrible stuff they say. He constantly tells them he doesn’t agree and that it’s super wrong, but they just keep doing it. If they know they should censor themselves around me, they clearly know they are saying vile things.


Rs90 t1_j9rkfik wrote

Sorry to hear it. My father was the kind to take me to bars as a kid to flirt with bartenders and say shit like "woof, look at the tits on her". So I know the types. Took me a long time to shake it off and speak up about it. It sounds like it really bothers him too. I hope he finds a way to broach the subject someday but I know not every battle is worth fighting.


DarkWasp14 t1_j9rxbe3 wrote

I’ve personally ended relationships with people over this, it becomes a boundaries issue since they can’t stop bringing up terrible subjects. If they know it makes him uncomfortable and they keep doing it, I wouldn’t blame him for wanting to spend less time with them.